John Bleke;335599 wrote:Anyway, aren't they being phased out? Which would mean of course that they would then start to offer derisory rates as banks lose interest.
I hope not, as am just starting to help my children in their early-to-mid 20s.
Thanks for your comment, as I was unware that back in January the Treasury Committee had instigated a review.
--- will the Lisa review include?The Treasury Committee is seeking views from industry experts and consumers on whether the Lisa is up to scratch in 2025. Changes it is considering include:
* raising the property purchase price limit
* ending the early withdrawal penalty
* increasing the £4,000 a year limit that savers can get a bonus on
* restricting the Lisa to those with no access to a workplace pension
* scrapping the Lisa completely.
Hopefully one or more of the first 3 options is more likely than the latter 2.