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Info on investing based on politics and culture?
Robert D
Posted: 06 March 2025 10:08:37(UTC)

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Robin B;336663 wrote:

Just checking the Robert D NPC 2000 gauge to fact check ben's post.

... yes, disapproval from Robert: ben's post has high probability of being accurate.

Trump's vainglorious speech got 77% approval rating from Republicans ..... no surprise there. It received much less support across the US...... no surprise there either

Zelensky has about 65% approval rating among Ukrainians, rather more than Trump's lies of 4%

An "NPC" rating from the far right is a badge of honour. Keep it up Jonathan
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Tim D on 08/03/2025(UTC)
Big boy
Posted: 06 March 2025 10:11:27(UTC)

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Don't get court up in speculation and hot air as you will tend to be behind the curve and this will tend to damage your wealth.

My method/view is based on is the Company undervalued or overvalued TO-DAY and this can only be based on to-days SP and the Companies intrinsic value not what happened in the past and speculation and gambling about the future

A whole industry and Profession has been built up over the decades (for industry benefit) and too many PIs get court up in it without any worth while benefits.
Robin B
Posted: 06 March 2025 13:52:07(UTC)

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Daz;336662 wrote:
MarkSp;336649 wrote:
I would look at Nudge Theory, Robert Shiller and is about behavioural economics. It is very interesting but then again, I was an economist

Thanks, so like "Narrative Economics – How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events" (2019) for example?

These suggestion are really useful, please keep 'em coming and let's not get derailed on the Trump thing! 😊

Are you writing a dissertation and looking for inspiration or are you honestly trying to figure out how to predict market behaviour and trends?

You can only really discern broad trends and whether it will help you with the granular detail of investment choices, like which stocks to buy, is debatable. Because there are always so many variables at work. From the macro down to the micro. It is an interesting question though.

For instance, I can discern that we are moving into an era of the "Great Man" again, and away from the faceless technocrat and bureaucratic process. This was probably already so in most of the real world, but not for the West in revent decades .

We see Trump, Putin, Xi, Netanyahu being of particular significance at this moment. Others are Milei, Modi, Erdoğan. When I say "great" I don't mean "good" or "right", I mean men who cut through and bend things to their will. Trump is proving to be a truly astonishing example of this. He is already taking the US, and the world beyond, by the scruff of the neck. Compare to the ineffectual worms, as typified by the European political elites.

Note that having worms in charge in the West hasn't prevented conflict - arguably made it more likely, and when it has engaged in violent confrontation itself, it has usually been with foolish, idealistic and wasteful ends in mind. Like trying to promote feminism and democracy in the likes of Afghanistan; toppling leaders and unleashing mayhem.

And with this, I anticipate broader changes that might mean trends, in the West and possibly beyond, which are more archetypically male. Direct communication, the real threat and even use of force - but only when really necessary, realistic rather than idealistic goals, a preference for building and getting things done, action, a preference for things that are effective and really work, common sense...

So green energy, which basically involves wasting loads of money on crap that doesn't work very well - this doesn't really fit into that trend. That is form, or ideology, over function. Could be good news for traditional energy resources? Oil, gas and delicious coal. Military hardware. Gold. Promoting traditional values and norms, which have worked and stood the test of time. More of a warrior culture where men are expected to be men, families will be encouraged, rather than encouraging young people to be gay or change genders. Shrinking the public sector and its vast array of fake jobs which waste resources and misdirect peoples efforts; cutting back on damaging legislation, including human rights, equalities. Celebrating winners rather than victims. Things that are of an effeminate nature, like man bags and soy lattes, veganism, solar panels, etc. probably don't fit.

As you can see from the last paragraph, I'm already into wild speculation. Because getting from broad trend to detail will always involve guessing. Even if we expect more military expenditure and it happens (or will the US spend less relative to allies?), this doesn't tell you which company to invest in. How well are the companies being run?

Basically: invest in a global tracker, and it will take care of whatever is going on in the world of private enterprise. Plus some gold, cash, bonds, real estate for balance. You can do it all with 2 or 3 funds/trusts. If you want to be clever and gamble, expect to lose money. I could've said this at the start but, as I say, you've asked a good question and I couldn't resist answering it :) at least partially.
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Jay P on 06/03/2025(UTC)
Robin B
Posted: 06 March 2025 14:00:31(UTC)

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Robert D wrote:

Zelensky has about 65% approval rating among Ukrainians...

Source please. Preferably a convincing one.
Posted: 06 March 2025 14:06:41(UTC)

Joined: 12/02/2020(UTC)
Posts: 8

Robin B;336698 wrote:

Are you writing a dissertation and looking for inspiration or are you honestly trying to figure out how to predict market behaviour and trends?......

You can only really discern broad trends and

Nope, not writing any dissertation LOL!

Appreciate the extended reply.

Just a quick explanation about myself: i've been "investing" since 2020..... first in Tesla, then in Solana, lost it all with the crash of FTX..... i should be getting a proportion back this year, so i'm starting to do research in preparation for my next steps.

So i've been sitting watching frustratedly as sure bets (in my opinion) like A.I. & European defense have come along, so just want to prepare myself better for the future.
Posted: 06 March 2025 14:19:36(UTC)

Joined: 31/01/2012(UTC)
Posts: 3,816

Robert D;336666 wrote:
Trump's vainglorious speech got 77% approval rating from Republicans ..... no surprise there. It received much less support across the US...... no surprise there either

Zelensky has about 65% approval rating among Ukrainians, rather more than Trump's lies of 4%

An "NPC" rating from the far right is a badge of honour. Keep it up Jonathan

But he has got both houses and is in office driving a steamroller through anything in his way.
He has been charged (I suspect) with not being strong-man and thus trying to prove he is, against his natural, being popular mode of operation.

Who is there on the global space challenging to get him out of office (not from an economic angle but a political one). Instead you are seeing other strong leaders now beginning to take notice of him and the US a bit more. It many move to a point where netural parties come and call for Zelensky to move aside if they want peace - after all he did decree and put into law that negotiating with Russia/Putin was impossible.

The support for Zelensky I would hazardous a guess is more sentimental and emotional. Just like all the global support he is getting at the moment. That needs to be translated into into meaningful actions. We can all feel sorry for someone and a unfortunate event but unless we do something about it, it is unlikely to change the outcome.
Robin B
Posted: 06 March 2025 14:35:32(UTC)

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Newbie;336702 wrote:

But he has got both houses and is in office driving a steamroller through anything in his way.
He has been charged (I suspect) with not being strong-man and thus trying to prove he is, against his natural, being popular mode of operation.

Who is there on the global space challenging to get him out of office (not from an economic angle but a political one).

Let's deal in facts. He came within an inch of having his head blown off over the summer, has been subject to endless litigation and cancellation by his political opponents at home - comprising the main body of the state and a network of European state elites - and had to overcome all of that, and has done so. His performance so far speaks for itself. Like him or not, he is an example of the great man type I referred to.
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Special Kloud on 06/03/2025(UTC)
Robin B
Posted: 06 March 2025 14:47:41(UTC)

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Daz;336700 wrote:
Robin B;336698 wrote:

Are you writing a dissertation and looking for inspiration or are you honestly trying to figure out how to predict market behaviour and trends?......

You can only really discern broad trends and

Nope, not writing any dissertation LOL!

Appreciate the extended reply.

Just a quick explanation about myself: i've been "investing" since 2020..... first in Tesla, then in Solana, lost it all with the crash of FTX..... i should be getting a proportion back this year, so i'm starting to do research in preparation for my next steps.

So i've been sitting watching frustratedly as sure bets (in my opinion) like A.I. & European defense have come along, so just want to prepare myself better for the future.

I got more involved in investing around the same time. Don't take this the wrong way but I'm getting the impression that you haven't really learnt about the basic principles of investing. What you are describing sounds more like guessing, timing and gambling and this could be ruinous to your long term financial health. Have you ever read "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" by Jack Bogle, or the likes of "Money, Master the Game" by Tony Robbins?

Most of us, everybody on this forum, and most people in general, do not have a cat in hell's chance of winning the investing game unless we follow the really boring basics. Identify your attitude to risk considering your age and horizons, be diversified, keep fees and taxes low, don't try to pick winners, leave well alone. Avoid trading, which isn't really investing.

That's why I say, you could just hold a global tracker and keep adding to it. Or a low cost multi asset fund combining a global tracker, bonds and some gold, plus cash. I appreciate this is unbelievably boring and won't get anybody to the big time, but it is about hedging your bets and not losing BIG. One thing you could do is have a fun money part of your portfolio, 1-5% of your wealth for playing about with.

Just some honest feedback. No harm in asking such questions and exploring ideas, but don't bet your wealth on it.
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Special Kloud on 06/03/2025(UTC), Tim D on 08/03/2025(UTC)
Posted: 06 March 2025 15:14:51(UTC)

Joined: 12/02/2020(UTC)
Posts: 8

I appreciate all opinions and am taking everything on board.

I guess it all depends on your appetite for risk. Obviously yours is different from mine. So far my philosophy paid off, although i was unfortunate to run into the FTX thing. My lesson from that is to spread yourself across a few different platforms.

To this point, my gut feeling has always been right, and I've only lost out when i made snap decisions or tried day / short term trading.

Are there any websites that claim to identify trends? Other suggested sources of information?

I know a lot about tech, so that's easy for me to judge, but i'd also be interesting in knowing about other trends, then i could do some research.

So when i say trends, i mean areas of the market that are already trending up.
Posted: 06 March 2025 15:16:02(UTC)

Joined: 31/01/2012(UTC)
Posts: 3,816

Find me a world leader who is not hated or has litigation of sorts against them.
Many of them have enemies who would like to gun them down.
This is part and parcel of being a political leader - it comes with the job.

In fact many rely on the political spectrum to preserve their freedom of sorts (they have no choice but to stay in politics for their survival and protection).

Zelensky is now running around trying to save his neck - that is the assurance he wants not his people's.
If he is ousted then he is likely to be dead within a couple of months.

Politics is merely reversing back to how it was in old times - if your house or allies get in, you have a chance to stay alive and walk the streets.

Musk did not join Trump for the love of the man or his politics, he joined him to get rid of all the litigation against him which would likely have landed him in prison.

Trump is building allies with people who can try and save him when he departs office for it will likely be they who will be tasked with taking him out.

Politicians do not get their hands dirty but do your use the services of strong men to do the dirty work.
1 user thanked Newbie for this post.
Tim D on 08/03/2025(UTC)
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