Peanuts;336871 wrote:ANDREW FOSTER;336857 wrote:
Sold a whole big chunk of MMF today.
Want cash ready to potentially take advantage of the turnaround, if or when it comes.
I'm reckoning sooner or later Trump will quietly get his knuckles wrapped and there will be something to stem the general global decline. If it happens I want to be ready with dry powder.
If it doesn't happen, I will just reverse this a little later.
Since there is no dealing fee or spread, the cost of being prepared is trivial.
I’m in a bit of a similar dilemma. Sold approx 30% of our portfolios to cash in January as we will need it at some point soon for a house project. At the time of selling I was pissed as the funds (mainly VWRP) went approx 2-3% higher the following week. It’s currently sat in MMF’s but tempted to put at least half of it back in now (I think) the short term bottom is in. The gamble is a black swan event. It’s risky but I feel another ATH is calling.
I'm not itching to buy back in...
But I sold hedged S&P and that is down a little over 5% since I sold. Combine that with a falling dollar and buying back unhedged can give a double win. Probably about 8+%
That's a pretty good trade considering market timing doesnt work ;-)
Things can go up or down from that point, but the 8% asset gain is banked and outperforms "sitting there and doing nothing" over the same period. Add to that the gains while the cash has sat in Fixed Income, about another 0.9%
The risk though,, is that some other craziness is coming that will further batter the global indexes.
Decisions, decisions...