You seem to be talking a lot about the party which is leading in the polls...
I smell fear.
And Farage will be smiling because he comes out looking moderate and mainstream...
The Tories are in the doldrums and aren't going anywhere fast, and only 20% of all voters chose Labour at the last election... which is likely to be significantly less by the time of the next election, following their already disastrous, embarrassing tenure and endless lies.
As for the idea of a new party, one that is actually right wing, I wouldn't mind that. It is better for there to be more choice and competition, and we've already seen how very small players like UKIP and the Brexit Party were able to move the Overton Window on certain subjects and influence government. Securing the glorious referendum being one such example which I know you remember well :)
With four years to go, I say: why not? We know Labour won't be in power after that, and will have driven the country into an even more dire state by then, so what is interesting now is to see how the replacement develops and what will deliver the paradigm shift here that is already under way in the US. The involvement of Musk will mean big money, big ideas for change and an emphasis on individual liberties. Good. Maybe the new party and Reform will end up merging after a time, into something better, perhaps even absorbing some of the less useless Tories. We shall see.
What is very promising is to see that all the energy, vibrancy and momentum are on the Right. All the grass roots activity emerging from fresh and fertile ground. The Left on the other hand is absolutely dead. Stagnant. Uniparty, the Blob... Two corpses propping one another up, surrounded by greedy lawyers and charities accustomed to sponging on largesse that is fast disappearing.
Speaking of which, you don't ever say very much about your beloved Labour Party... are you quietly disappointed? That your energy bills are going up rather than down by £300 as promised by Sir Free Gear at the election? And that your winter fuel allowance has been confiscated? That they are tanking the economy? It isn't what you were hoping for and I think that is a real shame.