A recent article on the London Stock Exchange website says:
Pensioners’ relative prosperity rises
Occupational pension schemes boost income for 4.6m OAPs
30 Sep - 13:29
Pensioners working after they have retired and occupational pensions have helped Britain's elderly become relatively more prosperous, latest figures from the government show.
A quarter of income for pensioner couples came from earnings, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). A further 35% came from the state pension and about 25% from occupational pensions.
It found an average couple in retirement earned just over £29,000 per year, or £564 a week, in 2008-09.
That income now means pensioner households make up 38% of the poorest fifth of all households in the UK, sharply down from 56% in 1977.
"Although retired households' income is lower than that of non-retired households, over the last three decades the position of retired households has improved," the ONS commented.
The figures, though, showed a wide divergence in income between pensioner groups. A fifth of them exist on incomes of just £197 a week, while the wealthiest 20% enjoy average weekly incomes of £755.
More than half of single pensioners also received total pension income of less than £10,000 a year.
The Tories will doubtless say (to themselves) that poor people are improvident, lazy, stupid etcetera and deserve to starve. The non-sociopathic may believe that life's chances are unfairly distributed and it is the responsibility of a caring society to even out the results for people who are, for whatever reason, incapable of helping themselves.