The forums already are divided into Money, News & Politics and Beyond Money. This is fair enough and far enough. The difficulties are due to most of the debates wandering off point (mea culpa) and the occasional monomaniacal attempt to blame all the world's ills on: the EU, socialism, the unions, religion, young people, immigrants, the BBC, parents, teachers or whatever.
Trying to separate politics from economics is a doomed endeavour which is why Oxbridge teaches Political Economics. It might be worth labelling some articles as opinion pieces as opposed to reportage and as distinct from editorials. As C P Scott said: "Opinions are free, facts are sacred". Although some of the more excitable readers do not seem to understand the difference; at least you will have tried.
Anonymous1 has a point, everyone would benefit from a facility to register a real name and use a pseudonym if preferred for whatever reason.