Quote:It may have been a reaction to being accused of "blagging" and "trying to game the system", but perhaps I misunderstood!
Don't take it personally, jeffian. My Transactional Analysis training tells me to not be sympathetic with you but to prompt you to assess the position from the outside. In particular you need to look at it from the point of view of the third party.
Property is like investing and poker; it can be emotional but requires rational assessment. Presumably, that's why your relative asked you.
So, why do you want to find a property expert? What then? Is your relative really prepared to go to Court to force this third party to act differently? More likely, are you hoping to find someone to 'take a robust line' - meaning threaten/haress/intimidate?! That wouldn't be very nice and wouldn't be likely to work.
There is a solution and that's to pay the third party a lot of money. What is your emotional reaction to having to tell your relative that? Should you not ask yourself that question?
I think all this does relate very well to investor psychology, which is a good topic for this forum.