Prof Eman;47629 wrote:jvi
I would not belittle the students. Just because they do not fit your role model, they do not automatically become left wing. They are of above average intelligence, possibly higher than yours.
From the questions you say they've asked, I doubt it. Perhaps the more intelligent ones stay quiet or you don't chronicle what they say?
But, according to what you've written, they've said nothing that could be construed as right of centre whereas they've displayed a lot of left-leaning sentiment.
Quote:"My students have now decided to hold a debate-
What does NHS stand for?
National Health Service under labour/Corbyn OR NO Health service under conservatives/May?
I would be grateful for any contributions on the subject."
I've glanced back 5 pages, starting with "selling the family silver" (another old leftie chestnut). There's been nothing from your students or you that's been anything but left of centre. There are logical conclusions to draw here.
Let's not kid ourselves. If you were to the right, you'd have been able to think of ready answers instead of asking here.