Well, if they are about 94 years old, they have have left it rather late to be worried about IHT, although they can take immediate action to reduce any potential liability of their estates to IHT following death. Firstly they should address the ownership of their home which may be owned in joint names as Mr And Mrs. If they consult a solicitor, it may be possible for them to effect a transfer of ownership into ownership as tenants in common so that on the first death, the half of the property owned by the deceased is held in a discretionary trust rather than added to the estate of the surviving partner. Changes in the law recently have made this scheme less attractive, but it may have some advantages based on their particular circumstances. Converting their other investments into AIM-listed stocks is worthwhile if they survive for two years after investment in some AIM-listed stocks which are much riskier than stocks in the FTSE top 100. AIM stocks do not always qualify for Business Property Relief (BPR) after two years, but two stocks that I can think of may do so. Armour Group (AMR) and Oxus Gold (OXS) are two stocks in AIM which are at all-time lows and may qualify for BPR. As they are not Unilever or Anglo American, the share prices are more volatile because they are under-researched by stockbrokers, but nevertheless may be attractive investments as may be other AIM-listed stocks. Do not expect any good advice here, but do your own research and, sincerely, I hope you make some good decisions.