BTLNewbie;51621 wrote:
1. A friend of ours has encouraged us to look into BTL up north in his city.
2. We have £45k available to invest and are thinking of getting 2 x £60k properties. We would need a mortgage to cover the remainder on both
3. Our primary family home is in my name only
4. Is it possible for the rental income on both to be put in my wife's name to make it more tax efficient?
1. Presumably the friend has offered to manage the properties?
RE management at long distance can have major pitfalls.
Will the friend always be there on hand, fit and able to help, years down the track?
2. Concur with earlier poster, consider buy one and see how things go.
Remember RE illiquid, cannot be sold quickly with the click of a mouse.
Might cash need to be realised urgently at some stage for other Investment Classes or needs?
And housing is not exactly 'on sale' at present.
3. Noted. Remember CGT free.
4. Cannot immediately see a problem, but any capital gains tax liabilities (should you be so lucky), could not then be minimised/avoided by splitting the gain(s) between the two of you.
5. Presumably serious rapid capital gains are not expected from today's purchase price?
More a question of yield?
Has a yield figure been mentioned?
Good advice above in earlier posts.
Good Luck