Profiteering...price fixing...monopoly trading...unethical additional levy to get early christmas delivery, an industry caught unprepared again...add your own and take your pick....just a little research will show you what you need to know and you can make your own mind up as to whether it really is just a case of supply and demand...
...there is a critical point being missed...many people will simply freeze in their own homes for Christmas...The debate right now must not be about price (the OFT can get to that in the next few weeks), nor should it be about who is to blame that about 1 in 15 UK homes are dependent on this fossil fuel - as "antiquated" as it may be - it MUST be about how lamentable the industry's response has been to actually getting to those that will freeze to death. Chris Huhne committed political SUICIDE on Thursday when he stated NOBODY WOULD BE WITHOUT HEATING OIL FOR CHRISTMAS. This is our Energy Secretary proving he has zero idea what this entails... is only 10 months since serious snows cut off many villages - we took our own action and ensured NO ONE ran dry with an Emergency OIL delivery system. Every community can achieve this. They just need to get a little organised. Come on BIG SOCIETY let's forget what the suppliers say and what the Government is dreaming about...and let's do it. NOBODY should freeze because they were left forgotten by an industry that can not deliver the product it is designed to deliver at the time that its end users most need it.
I am Chris Pomfret and I run a unique community oil buying group for 2000 people (and rapidly growing) across 70 villages (and also rapidly growing)...come on and join in and let's take some direct action to save lives and embarrass an industry and our government into creating the huge changes required...
Keep warm Someone sent me this rather splendid quote this week:
Each time a man stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resis...tance.
Robert Kennedy
I venture to ask - what happens when hundreds, or thousands, of Men and Women "stands up for an idea"