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What would you ask Alistair Campbell?
Posted: 13 January 2011 11:19:20(UTC)

Joined: 17/06/2009(UTC)
Posts: 9

Should chancellors of the exchequor,and shadow chancellors have a qualification in economics and should directors of banks have banking qualifications?(I wouldn't feel too happy about being treated by a doctor with no medical qualifications)
Posted: 13 January 2011 11:28:44(UTC)

Joined: 06/07/2010(UTC)
Posts: 2

How much guilt does he feel for his part in the death of David Kelly
Posted: 13 January 2011 11:42:54(UTC)

Joined: 03/01/2009(UTC)
Posts: 1

Alistair Campbell does not believe in private education. How would he propose to change the education system so that there would be no private schools and every parent would therefore have to support the state system which should lead to an improvement in standards and equal opportunity for all children, regardless of their parents' wealth?
Geoff Evans
Posted: 13 January 2011 11:59:03(UTC)

Joined: 23/07/2010(UTC)
Posts: 8

Why does he answer every searching question with "LOOK------"?
How much did the benefit to Israel influence the decision to invade Iraq?
Given his appearance what are his racial antecedents?
Richard Lander (Citywire)
Posted: 13 January 2011 12:01:02(UTC)

Joined: 08/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 9

As the person who'll be interviewing Mr Campbell, may I thank you for all these. Keep 'em coming!

@donaldhunter... I think he's a Burnley fan, no?
Posted: 13 January 2011 12:05:52(UTC)

Joined: 21/03/2010(UTC)
Posts: 5

Two questions, actually:
1) Does it take any conscious effort to be such a devious, lying T055er, or does it just come naturally?
2) Are you planning to be buried in a special, revolving coffin so that you can continue spinning in your grave?
alan thorburn
Posted: 13 January 2011 12:14:29(UTC)

Joined: 25/03/2006(UTC)
Posts: 23

Would it be Christian to crucify Tony Blair?
Deborah Hyde (Citywire)
Posted: 13 January 2011 12:19:20(UTC)

Joined: 10/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 36

Did Gordon Brown save the world?
Rob Walker
Posted: 13 January 2011 12:31:31(UTC)

Joined: 31/03/2009(UTC)
Posts: 36

If David Kelly really did commit suicide, why did the government go to such lengths NOT to conduct a normal inquest that in any other death of such a high profile person, and given the evidence at the scene of death, would have been almost mandatory ?
alan thorburn
Posted: 13 January 2011 12:46:04(UTC)

Joined: 25/03/2006(UTC)
Posts: 23

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