Mr Cloy is a Clown .
Does he think that the public sector will or is able provide homes to let ?.
If the BTL market collapses there will be nothing for these people to rent.
Does he not think that the Planning process, the cost of Building the Shortage
of Accommodation, where it is needed ,has anything to do with it.
And what about the Banks/Institutions lending Policies? I suppose they are
completely innocent in all this?
At least if FTB's are not in a position to buy.They have a chance to rent in the BTL
Market, unless they are unmarried mothers or asylum seekers they have no gott a
chance to rent from the Public Sector
The answer is a Govermental Body, to underwrite a proportion of a mortgage to a
The risk to be shared by the Buyer by way of their deposit, the Lender and the
New Underwriting Body. The New Body should be authorised to issue Bonds paying
a Dividend that is Tax Free, without any strings if it needs Capital, to fund its Liabilities.
These Bonds should be made attractive to Pension Funds and other long term
Investors. Breaking the Buy to let Market will cause more harm than good.
And what is GristyBeasts experience of the BTL market "Any damn idiot with a bit of
money can go in to the BTL trade and it dosen't take any brains to do let out property"
Its these "damn idiots" who are the ones going broke. The Property auctions are full
of Foreclosures of "Damn Idiots" properties.
It is not easy,to be successful in BTL, it requires experience, brains and an enormous
amount of Hard Work to be successful in BTL. All attributes that I fear are sadly lacking in
GristyBeasts makeup.
The real villains in this is are Blair & particularly that Moronic Idiot Brown for not
Clamping down on excessive lending when they had the opportunity and power to do