Lets get this right.
Way back, we had a culture where only strictly middle class had mortghages or owned their own home.
The remainder, lived in Council Houses, on Council Estates, whilst most were respectable people, there was a minority who, veiwing that the house would never be theirs, gave little or no care about it, indeed the Council replaced Kitchens, painted the windows etc,
Margret Thatcher changed that, Home Ownership became a new goal...... I know, I was one of them.... people saved hard for about 25% of the purchase price and deposited each and every month to prove that they were reliable people who could and would continue to put the money each month into the Building Society, though the savings each mont was replaced by a Mortgage.
I know I did that too.
Council Estates were mostly eradicated, people bought ( Off the Council) at a greatly subsidised cost their rental hose and became proud Owners, they Changed the front door, Sectors of the Economy also gained by this, Home Improvements, (Whoever had heard of a B&Q or Homebase prior to Thatcher.........
Councils saved by not carrying ourt repairs to their properties.
I am a private Landlord but got to where i am by doing what the whingers are complaining about now....... Saving the 25% deposit and proving to the Lender that you are good for the money........
When i started work for the fist time in the late 1970s, I remeber complaining about the Older Guys, who appeared to work less hard than me, for more pay. The Office manager took me to one side and gave me some advice that has stuck with me ever since.
" Dont try to get his pay down, try top get your pay up"........... Well, why not adopt that principle to the people who are knocking the Private landlord....... Sorry about the Life History lesson Folks........ :)