jeffian;60060 wrote:Hi David,
Let's start with "..I am aware of gifting rules around IHT and understand that there are GWROB implications however i'm struggling to see how this links with properties that are worth less than the allowance for IHT?"
Currently, your parents can each leave net estates of £325,000 before incurring IHT, so if all their assets including their respective share of the house are less than that, then there is nothing for you to worry about. It would be useful if you could confirm or expand on that situation first as it gets potentially complicated if they are likely to be liable for IHT.
(Edit: I had not seen PL's post above when I posted this. I had actually prepared a similarly long piece but then chopped it as it got more complex and may not be necessary if the estates fall within the IHT exempt band away!)
Thank you for your response.
The estates will certainly be less than the £325k allowance.
My main concern is that i want to buy the house now in order to allow my parents to take some money out of their joint financial interest in the house.
In brief, my mother can't afford to buy the house, but equally, she doesn't want to leave with my younger brother.
I simply wanted to buy the house at a cost that is affordable to me, but at enough of a figure so they would each get about £10k each to get on their feet.
I hope that clears it up a bit.