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Citywire Money needs your feedback
Keith Dillingham
Posted: 09 February 2011 16:00:33(UTC)

Joined: 03/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 6

Three points:
1) I find Citywire pages are too resource intensive for my laptop (1.6 GHz dual core with 2 GB RAM). If I open three or four Citywire articles simultaneously my laptop cooling fan usually comes on as it works hard to cope and often one page freezes or crashes. Opening several pages on other sites is rarely a problem.
2) Citywire sends out too many e-mails with too many articles that are high on verbage but low on factual information; high on soft discussion but low on hard facts. Articles that are not about finance are easily ignored. But other articles sound like they might be informative but turn out not to be, e.g. Thursday's BOE meeting keeps interest rates on hold, Andrew Sentance wants to raise them, Adam Posen wants lax monetary policy, higher rates might stifle growth, but is it the wrong sort of inflation etc. Repeat article for each subsequent BOE rate setting meeting. Articles on your rival, Interactive Investor, tend to be fewer, more succinct and more informative. I appreciate different people have different tastes, e.g. you first Diary of a Dumb Investor was remarkably dumb but attracted about 80 replies from readers wanting to be helpful.
3) As a private investor I find your rival, Interactive Investor, provides information that is more useful and relevant to my needs.

After all that criticism I'll add that I find many of your staff are good and informed and I'll continue to read articles selectively. Perhaps one solution might be to categorise presentation of your site so that people who are into finance get tighter financial information, while the more general readership get the soft discussions, primers on how to save for retirement, personal finance articles etc.
sarah b
Posted: 09 February 2011 16:03:45(UTC)

Joined: 21/09/2007(UTC)
Posts: 7

I agree with Chazza,comment re IT's. It would be good to show the discount/premium.
Mary Hamilton (Citywire)
Posted: 09 February 2011 17:11:29(UTC)

Joined: 05/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 61

Thanks everyone for your comments - it's great to know what would be useful. I'm making a long list of issues with the portfolio tool - I'll make sure Chazza and Sarah that your comments get passed on.

Anon 1 - I'm sorry to hear you couldn't get the portfolio to work - would you mind telling me whether you were on a PC, laptop or something else, and what browser/s you used?

Joe - There are lots of improvements I want to make specifically to the forum software, including comment editing, deleting duplicate comments and letting you navigate more easily between threads. Not sure when the improvements will be made, but they are due for an overhaul. Are there any other functions you'd particularly like to have on the forums?

Paul - We're trying to speed up loading times at the moment, though I appreciate that's not as helpful as having articles load up on a single page by default. We're still looking at ways to make pagination work better so that there's less load for you and others on slower connections, and I'll make sure your feedback is heard.

Keith - Your point 1 has been a problem for a while now and is something we're doing a lot of work on at the moment. There are lots of different things we need to fix, but you should start to see a difference soon.
Point 2 is well taken - something we're trying out at the moment with our emails is putting more "expert" articles in the morning emails, with more general content at lunch time. It's a very new system and we're still ironing out the kinks. I'd like to try and differentiate those better on the site as well - do you have any ideas as to how you'd prefer to see that work? Would you rather get just an expert email and see only those articles, or have them flagged up in some other way?
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 09 February 2011 21:14:35(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

The site seems to go down around 2AM every morning which is frustrating for your overseas readers and for insomniacs like me:-)

I agree about segregating the in depth from the beginners' articles and the general items.
Chris Marsden
Posted: 09 February 2011 23:46:01(UTC)

Joined: 17/04/2010(UTC)
Posts: 138

I would like to see different Portfolio ideas.

for investors with £5k, £50k and £500k portfolio sizes.
ie 9 different ones. with 5k you can only have 1 - 5 investments, assuming day to day cash is held already elsewhere.

Also a competition for best performance over 6 or 12 month periods by reader's portfolios. (Imaginary, not necessarily held of course)

All of this intended to give old and new investors ideas of what might work in their portfolios.
Mary Hamilton (Citywire)
Posted: 10 February 2011 13:05:46(UTC)

Joined: 05/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 61

Thanks again. Jeremy, I've forwarded your comments on to our IT department - we should have backups running at that time, so they're taking a look into it.

Chris - I love that idea. We're looking into it.

Joe - thanks for clarifying, much appreciated - and I agree. Those functions are at the top of the list for upgrades to the forum.
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