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Parish notice: We've given ourselves a facelift
Rich Harris (Citywire)
Posted: 15 February 2011 21:15:14(UTC)

Joined: 08/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 126

Readers who are both regular and astute will notice things look a little different round these parts.

We've replaced the (frankly rather confusing) navigation bar with something much more useful and better looking, though we do say so ourselves. The links to our sister websites for financial professionals (New Model Adviser®, Citywire Wealth Manager and Citywire Global) have disappeared, to reflect the fact that we're very much our own publication with a single focus - you lot.

If you're a user of one of those websites you can still access them via the 'Citywire for Financial Professionals' link in the very top right of the page.

Meanwhile we've re-ordered the links on the navigation bar to make it easier to find these forums and our videos, galleries and podcasts.

Finally, along with some subtle design tweaks here and there, we've completely redone the homepage. Rather than me tell you about it, the best thing is if you go and have a look - <a href=""></a>.

Hopefully you'll approve of these changes - there'll be more tweaks here and there over the next couple of weeks, and the paint may still be drying in parts. If you've got any feedback, or are having any problems with the new layout, then leave a comment below or get in touch at <a href=""></a>.


Rich Harris
Producer, Citywire Money
Posted: 16 February 2011 08:34:11(UTC)

Joined: 27/12/2007(UTC)
Posts: 2

Rich Harris (Citywire)
Posted: 16 February 2011 08:40:29(UTC)

Joined: 08/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 126

Dennis - if you hover over the 'Investments' option in the navigation bar, a menu will pop up. All the FTSE data is is in the bottom right of the menu. You can also access it from beneath the FTSE chart on the right-hand side of the page (where it says 'More FTSE charts and prices' - it will take you here:

Hope this helps!
Will Ton
Posted: 16 February 2011 14:16:28(UTC)

Joined: 05/10/2010(UTC)
Posts: 5

Hi Richard

Looks much sleeker today.

What has happened to Phil Cozens and the broker upgrades, and the morning RNS eyecatchers - have they gone for good now.
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 17 February 2011 12:33:30(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

Hi Rich

I am glad you have kept access to the Citywire for Financial Professionals sections. I regularly look at your interviews with fund managers, their favoured markets and stocks and the general analysis. Citywire fund selections are also good guides. I like to look at the holdings of the successful managers.

The site looks better but not at the expense of functionality. So well done.

My only suggestion for further improvement is to always provide transcripts for the videos. I don't always have the patience to sit and watch for five minutes what can be read in one. Do provide both because sometimes it is useful to see facial expressions and hear the tone of comments.
Rich Harris (Citywire)
Posted: 17 February 2011 13:09:29(UTC)

Joined: 08/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 126

Will - thanks, glad you like it. Phil Cozens is currently away on annual leave but will be returning at the end of the month, so broker roundups and eyecatchers will be coming back! We should have made this clearer when he left - apologies. He'll be pleased to know that he was missed though.

Jeremy - video transcripts is something we'd love to offer. We haven't quite figured out how to do it (it's a surprisingly large task to transcribe a five minute video - trust me, I've had to do it several times!) but it's definitely something we're thinking about, and we've been speaking to Kulu Valley (our video partners) on the subject. So watch this space but don't hold your breath, to mash clichés together...

Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming!
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