Dear all,
A supplementary question to another I have posted to do with completion of the IHT400 form.
My mother bought the house that me, my wife and her shared - putting in 44% of the equity (and therefore giving her a 44% share in the property). Her name was placed on the deeds at the Land Registry.
In 2013, she wanted to pas her share to us and have her name taken off the deeds.
We went to her solicitor and a deed (of some sort, not sure exactly what it was called) was drawn up in which she gifted her share to us with the reservation that she continue to live in the house (no rent was charged) and that it couldn't be sold by us without her agreement.
This is with 7 years as defined by HMRC for 'Tapered relief' on gifts.
I was under the impression that this had to be entered on the IHT400 as a 'gift with a reservation of benefit - GWROB).
I have been informed by some members of this forum that HMRC will treat this as part of my late mother's estate.
My query is now this.
If HMRC will treat this 'gift' not as a gift but as part of her estate for IHT purposes, will I (or me and my wife jointly) be liable for and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and, is so, what is the likely rate of tax going to be?
The inclusion of my mothers 44% equity in the property means that her estate will fall far below the £325k inheritance tax threshold, so no IHT will be due.
I hope that's clear.