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A Good Bank Account?
edward spear
Posted: 30 March 2011 17:00:44(UTC)

Joined: 05/06/2009(UTC)
Posts: 12


Can any of you recommend a good current account as having paid of my mortgage my account with the Virgin One Account will have to close soon?
I only intend to keep enough in their th pay the bills, the rest will be invested.

Any suggestions and experiences will be appreciated.

Ps Not Santendare.

Posted: 31 March 2011 13:32:34(UTC)

Joined: 15/09/2010(UTC)
Posts: 281

First Direct pays no interest but it is straight forward and have never had any difficulties.
Posted: 31 March 2011 13:44:33(UTC)

Joined: 29/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 60

Straight forward Barclays Bank Current account using internet banking. Do not however get tempted to "upgrade" otherwise you will have to pay a monthly fee for unnecessaries.
I have banked with Barclays for the past 40 years and had no problems.
Gerry Walker
Posted: 31 March 2011 13:47:45(UTC)

Joined: 22/07/2010(UTC)
Posts: 5

I keep hearing about the good service of First Direct, but don't they have a monthly charge for their account? From my experience the problem with all the banks is branch service - I suspect because they use so many part time staff. It seems to me that any bank with an online service is OK and so finding one that doesn't charge should be all that is required here. I know Santander get some criticism, but I use their online service without problem.
Posted: 31 March 2011 13:49:43(UTC)

Joined: 13/10/2010(UTC)
Posts: 4

I have an online business account with RBS. I know they have had a bad press recently but I have always found them excellent. What I particularly like is that they give me free 1st class envelopes with which to pay in my cheques and the very next day the money appears in the online account. Similarly, payments are instantaneous - none of this 3-5 working day nonsense which I get with Santander.
Keith Simmonds
Posted: 31 March 2011 13:51:00(UTC)

Joined: 06/02/2009(UTC)
Posts: 6

I have been using a Nationwide Flex Account for years. It is fine without any hassle and no charges.
Malcolm Miller
Posted: 31 March 2011 13:55:38(UTC)

Joined: 07/02/2009(UTC)
Posts: 6

With First Direct you need to have a minimum of £1500 per month credited to your account to avoid the monthly charge. In my opin ion they have the best Customer Services in the business.
andy hey
Posted: 31 March 2011 14:00:25(UTC)

Joined: 07/12/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1

I've found Halifax to be quite good and also pays £5 into your account every month. Also their sharedealing service is easy to use and they also allow dual listed AIM shares (e.g. Xcite) to be purchased thro' your ISA a/c: I know there are several banks that don't.
Altogether now
Posted: 31 March 2011 14:05:05(UTC)

Joined: 11/08/2010(UTC)
Posts: 19

I don't have £1500 paid into my First Direct account and don't pay any charges. The online system is very good and clear, their telephone operators all appear to be switched on if I ever need to use them. I have used them for years and I am more than happy.
They were running a £100 payment to anyone moving their current account to them; don't know if it's still running.
Halifax reward (not the chargeable version which they will try to sell you) pays £5 per month if you pay £1000 per month. Wife uses this one, I frequently move money in and out to make sure we get the fiver. Online system OK but find staff pushing to sell all the time.
George Creyke
Posted: 31 March 2011 14:16:15(UTC)

Joined: 31/03/2011(UTC)
Posts: 1

I have used Santander for many years and find their online offering excellent & very efficient
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