Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'
Jeremy Bosk
I have never suggested that we should get rid of services.
My contention is that we have too much of services, a lot of poor and overpriced services e.g banking, financial, legal, and thirdly that their rate of growth in the current climate is not healthy for the economy.
We are already over reliant on them. The Govt over relies on income from them, and as such is snookered and cannot rebalance the economy towards industry, which is necessary if we are to grow in the longer term without increasing Balance of Payments problems.
As such please note that I have nothing against good services in Manchester, Leeds etc.
The increasingly worsening mess we are in is due to excessive reliance on services of dubious value, which make little contribution to our exports and Balance of Payments problems.
As regards market rigging, this was raised by Ted in his post #82, under our Economics/inflation/UK discussion, which recently developed the legal services issues. Nobody yet has bothered to try and express any support for our solicitors and legal services.
Prof Eman