Stanley has a point about the retired having to continue to make NH contributions, and that must then mean as this is a form of insurance, ongoing, the treatments and drigs are being paid for and must be available, no excuses.
If that is to be the case the taxpaying threshold for the retired must be raised and IHT reduced, ideally abolished, because the money/assets has/have already been taxed, except possibly in the case of pension pots. Mind you, given the actions of Zanuliebore, and those just retired/retiring with pension pots having been penally taxed so tyhose pots should be totally exempt and those passing the legislation should have their pensions dramatically reduced, halved, just as they did for those they were supposed to be looking after.
That is after proceedings for incompetence and damages awarded to those that suffered against Bliar/Brown et al (Bliar because of his pact not to interfere with Browns tax raising and expenditure- a dereliction/adication of his obligations to be the leader and curb and control the excesses of Brown/Balls excesses)and also the opposition for failure to discharge their obligations.
That also means that the public service pensions must also be halved, for the higher paid, say above £50k.
Money for this could easily be raised for these by opting out of the EU payments/freeing up bureaucracy/requirements/taxes imposed by/as a result of the EU of which landfill is just a start. Bye bye the obligation to support the bail outs of the feckless countries in the Euro, including to the French farmers/Spanish fishing fleet.