Hannah Jane;77502 wrote:Thanks for the replies, ladies and gentlemen. Amount invested is middle hundred thousands so a reasonable amount.
I have a wealth manager at present, but do not feel they are doing the best job. Some of the shares/trusts have done very well, but some have fallen very badly. When I ask them about selling the bad ones and not chasing them down, the reply is vague. I believe in stop loss methods, but they don't seem to agree.
I suppose it is one of the problems of being with a wealth manager that has a large amount of money under their control and the shares are picked by an investment committee. I don't have a problem with their fees..
You are very right that Wealth Managers don’t have the flexibility a Fund Manager has.
My view (many years experience both sides) is select 5-10 conventional global Investment Trusts standing on high discounts. This will give you an amazing spread throughout the World and at a good discount....,most other investors prefer to chase past performance/flavour of month which hold a similar spread.