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RPI v CPI, but do we agree that there should be a measure for Rural Inflation
Posted: 17 December 2010 13:28:37(UTC)

Joined: 18/08/2010(UTC)
Posts: 10

Today the government had to defend itself against the possibility of Heating Oil shortages this winter for Rural communities. The price of heating oil has risen from a Summer price of 38p per Litre to 77p a litre this week. Is there a cartel at work here causing a shortage or can we British blame everything on the weather?
Dislexic Landlord
Posted: 18 December 2010 09:07:09(UTC)

Joined: 28/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 15

I lived in a very large Mill in Northumberland and it cost a fortune to run 10 years ago

every thing is more expencive but if you moved there for peace and quite its the price you have to pay

I guess if I was going to move back to the sticks I would budget for 30% increase in liveing expences

John Page
Posted: 18 December 2010 09:50:51(UTC)

Joined: 22/03/2010(UTC)
Posts: 2

What's the problem?
Burning oil for domestic heating is antiquated, and if you use any resource where the supplies are limited , the price will keep going up. This is the economic platform for improving the payback on sustainable energy solutions. So open your mind...
Clive Thomas
Posted: 18 December 2010 10:23:14(UTC)

Joined: 06/12/2006(UTC)
Posts: 5

John Page said, "So open your mind" ........... That seems like pot and kettle to me.

Perhaps there is an alternative to burning oil for domesic heating for some, but not for everyone.

For example, I can't put photovoltaics or solar water heating panels on my listed home and a wind turbine is out of the question in a conservation area. Mains gas is not available in many rural areas and that leaves electricity from the national grid, L.P.G., a wood burner or, surprise surprise, fuel oil.

In terms of other expenses, although I enjoy a mains water supply I do not have mains drainage and a private treatment plant is costly to run.

I'm not complaining because the peace and tranquillity of the countryside is a pleasure worth paying for.

If I have misunderstood John Page's response I expect that someone will put the matter straight.
Paul Gill
Posted: 18 December 2010 10:28:28(UTC)

Joined: 07/11/2007(UTC)
Posts: 4

We live in a greed culture thanks to the days of Maggie wether you like it or not she started this culture, business,banks etc all were used to making a small profit over a long period to build a long term future for their companies,unfortunately now everyone wants to make 100% to 200% on everything which leads to higher prices, oil is not expensive from the companies in comparison to the at the pump price, cigarettes are pennies from the tobacco companies, short term gains in banking etc results in huge bonuses but a loss results in a small bonus,there is never a claw back or zero bonus(well hardly)
It is far too easy to start a business nowadays,pay yourself a big wage and your staff,drive expensive cars etc etc and then when you have made no money but had a nice life then you go bancrupt therefore bringing down other business's who have tried to run on small profits,there is no stigma anymore it has become the norm.
All of this affects crime in the long term as the young with no hope can never achieve good well paid jobs but see bankers,sportsman etc etc paid insultingly high wages and the only way they can get what they consider to be nice things are to steal,cheat or fiddle, Unfortunately when a politician or similar high profiler gets caught nothing or very little happens to them,but someone from a poor background is labelled as the scum of the earth.
We need to punish corporate crime,tax evasion,fraud that accounts for billions in comparison to the small petty burglaries and shoplifting. I am not condoning this only pointing it out as this is not an excuse for criminals but one of the main reasons which politicians etc never consider. The punishment needs to suit the crime and not the person or their upbringing.
We as a nation need to get out of Europe,get rid of Mep's and all that goes with it,cut down our mp's and do something about the Lords,treat all expense fiddles as fraud and punish accordingly,stop the bonus culture or modify it so that if you make huge profits then that bonus is frozen somewhere and if you lose the next quarter then some of the bonus is given back as a lot of time figures are manipulated,just look at our bankers paying bonuses when the bank is bancrupt,how can making 1 billion in profit but you have been bailed out with 100 billion be called a profit,you have lost 99billion. COME ON THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
I could go on and on but it will take 2 generations to turn the tide on our greed culture if its even possible.
Happy Christmas and New Year everyone.
Jeremy Fryman
Posted: 18 December 2010 10:37:34(UTC)

Joined: 17/02/2009(UTC)
Posts: 11

Surprisingly I find myself agreeing with both comments, it is the price you pay for the delights of living in the country and it will be the economy of the future as fuel runs short. Nevertheless there are real issues faced by those who 'work' and 'live' in the country and these are not always the retired rich.

The costs or fuel and transport are enormous at the moment, this is because a lot of oil is transported around the country by train and there has been a bottleneck. This has caused a shortage.

So what do you do? When my 11 yr old boiler fails I will have a dramatic rethink, maybe spend an awful lot of money installing 'ground source' heating. (Great for new builds but not so good for older properties) Install ugly solar panels. (visually degrade the lovely place) or maybe put on another jumper?
I will certainly burn a lot more biomass, time consuming and laborious, but in fact my wood burner is very effective and efficient.

The best thing I did was insulate and draft proof, it cut my fuel bill by 1/3, but you have to really go over specification to make it work.
If only we could encourage new builds to really think about 'location' and insulation, we would then hardly need energy to heat. Unfortunately most UK architects are not so well qualified as those on the continent. So many builds and refurb's are drafted by 'someone' with a cheapy CAD and a base knowledge of the regs. Imagination and foresight is rarely on the agenda.

I have a relative who has the answer. Live in France for the summer and then New Zealand for our winter. But then he did retire on a European Union Pension!
Still (a little) jealous though, it's 23 C where they are now.
Posted: 18 December 2010 11:13:25(UTC)

Joined: 28/07/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1

These guy's seem not to have read the question.

Is there a Cartel at work here? Wish I knew.

Who is making the money from these extraordinary price rises? I cannot answer this question either.
But I do know --

The last Government was entirely Urban support minded they cared not a fig for Rural dwellers.
It will be interesting to see how the coalition views the Countryside and the people who actually live there and earn far less than most urban dwellers.

Village life is quieter but the services received from local and national government are very limited but taxes and council tax are pretty much the same.
Crucially oil is the only option in many rural areas.

Dislexic Landlord
Posted: 18 December 2010 11:25:24(UTC)

Joined: 28/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 15

you get nothing for nothing in the countryside

My Water Was Private suppy

My heating was bottled Gas

My Sewage was through a Bio Disk System

No public Outside lights

And the Buses were twice a week

But I paid full Council Tax

Apart from that it was great but all you can do is put up with the above or shut up well thats the opinion of the Goverment Coservitive or Labour

And I cant see it changeing

Anonymous Post
Posted: 18 December 2010 11:26:00(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

"Burning oil for domestic heating is antiquated"!?

John Page, like most of our politicians, is obviously an Arts graduate.

Micro combined heat and power (micro CHP) is the future, not the past.
Domestic boilers are now available in which gas is used to generate electricity which can be used in the house and the excess fed into the grid. The remaining heat energy, (which in a antiquated power station would have to be dumped in a cooling tower), is then used to heat the house. Oil fired versions will follow.
Paul Gill
Posted: 18 December 2010 11:49:13(UTC)

Joined: 07/11/2007(UTC)
Posts: 4

Yes we have read the question and the answer is simple YES there is a cartel and its based on greed,ALMOST everyone in business is greedy and wants to get rich quick despite who suffers and it will not change for decades if ever.Debt has taken over in business gone are the days of small steady profits,now 10%/20% is nothing its 100%,200% as much as they can get away with.
You cannot expect to punish companies etc for greed when the people charged with doing the punishing(mp's) are even worse!!

Invest in this country,manufacturing,production of quality goods,not cheap rubbish(look at German goods)keep out of costly wars, stop foreign aid.Live off our own natural resources,Infrastructure,use our waterways more,tidal wave power instead of costly wind turbines.
As for the environment what good are electric cars?have you ever stopped to think how you produce the electric for the cars?if you produce it through water turbines or solar thats fine but otherwise there is no pollution gain.
Start damming and reservoirs which aids our waterways,produces power and more importantly gives us water in summer.

None of this is some magical secret it just requires someone with the guts to start it and a government that when whichever party comes into power they cannot interfere with the long term goal.
As a nation lets get back our control,unfortunately we need a major uprising just like the French do(I know we don't like it but it works)..
Merry Xmas
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