We do differ in viewpoint and it does illustrate my point. I can't do due diligence in any depth on a company handling my savings, pension, mortgage, ( I am with NRK at 5.49% fixed), I didn't know what they were doing in detail, particularly the risk factor. How could I, they didn't know the risk themselves. In fact what was clear about liablities and funding was not too clear to NRK.
For nurseries & builders, I used to drop our little girl off at the council nusery some years ago, before staff were vetted, usually in a rush to get to work and again no idea who the staff were, or how to check their criminal records, perhaps a big risk. Now builders, I know every trade in great detail, I can tell a cowboy by looking at his face, so no risk.
There is a team of engineers and technicians keeping a cement plant or refinery going, and the electrical & instrument teams are perhaps the most important part of the operation. A breakdown, lack of maintenance, lubrication, monitoring of thousands of alarms and operating parameters such as pressure, flow rates, temperature, this is the part of my life I was referring to. No, we don't supply power to the grid, we take a lot of power from the grid, except when it fails, then we have emergency systems that take over, if engineers like myself know what they are doing. I like to think engineers at my level don't take risks, personally I check, double check, do my homework, get second opinions, get as close to the work as I can, all to miimise risk of failure.
This is the point about competency, skill and expertise, which you obviously have in your own field, but perhaps not in the engineering in an oil refinery or cement plant.
Hence my point, if I cause an explosion in an oil refinery I will be blamed, and I see little difference in any profession with an element of responsibility. A childrens nursery is an essential service as much as a decent pension, or a supply of electricity or water, I don't see much difference. One might not see oil & gas or cement as essential until they stopped. If I had invested in what is now revealed as a risky investment was it up to me to check the credentials of the financial adviser, and then the background of the company shares he recommended, do I have no comeback if these people are seriously incompetent, only myself to blame.
I have many many more of these engineering gaffs/oversights, it's a national scandal, my wife tells me to write a book, after all my attempts at having articles published have been rejected.
This thread has underlined to me something I realised long ago, that we cannot ever fully grasp the depth of someone elses knowledge. Beethoven wrote his ninth symphony when he was deaf, he could see it all in his imaginatio/mind. On desert island discs a famous conductor said he preferred to take the scores rather than the records, he could read the scores and fee the sounds from a full orchestra. There was an economist.........