Thanks for the F R Banking info, fascinating stuff. If the gold all disappears and we are all living with IOUs isn't there a catch somewhere? I pay for my goods with an IOU, I get paid in IOUs, I invest my IOUs and get a return in IOUs. I can't change into gold but I can change them into food, a car or a house.
Back in my wild west town, a reputable person issues IOUs, which everyone uses to get what they want. He issues the IOUs to anyone who wants them but he wants 120% back at the end of the year. Everyone is working hard making goods and services and Mr. IOU is getting richer by 20% a year for doing nothing. Now... Mr. IOU who claimed to have property, gold, backers in far away places was safe because the farmers did make big profits and gave him his 20% in his own IOUs.
Here's the crunch, in fact he didn't have anything but IOUs, no gold, no backers, it was all paper, worthless paper, he was a bluffer, a smooth talker, he didn't have any backing and no one knew until the crunch came. All built on confidence & trust, when that goes what a crunch.
I'm going to my thinking room with pencil and paper to go through this.....
Yes Made in Britain, it's Evan Davis, a three part programme about where we are going as a nation, Monday at 9pm BBC2. There's a 4 minute clip on the BBC website. Main point is that it's a race to stay ahead, other countries are catching us and we have to focus on what we do best, and that famous last line....we have to stay ahead in science, technology & engineering, which of course comes back to education and encouragement for youngsters in all these fields. Many may watch, mainly the already converted, and few will understand.
Tell you a story. I was Senior Design Engineer Electrical & Instrumentation in Kuwait Oil, and I kept lumps of steel, copper, brass, aluminium, & so on, on my desk. I used to ask local "engineers" which was which, all failed. In Indonesia we had basic training in how to use a hammer or screwdriver. So we may be a bit lazy and misled but we have a genetic love of invention and innovation. The main fault I found is motivation, give those apprentices an old motor bike and a few parts to get it going for themselves and they'll work all weekend. Stick them in a classroom with a boring inexperienced teacher or in a workshop filing a block of iron, then they'll fall asleep. At Uni as a mature student some of the lecturers, Phd in their own research had little knowledge of the real world, and this led to some heated discussions. I often stopped the lecture when I lost track of the non-stop writing and note copying which some of them dish out, it's not very motivating for a young person, I had the advantage that it fitted in, filling gaps with the experience and knowledge I already had.