My thoughts were a bit disjointed, I think they still are.......
I seem out of step but I'm happier that way.
I was having a go at debt as a means of living, not in any way decrying having a car. Permanently paying a portion of one's income to bankers, credit card companies, is like living on less income than we earn and giving it away to the moneylenders. That's all.
I was pointing out to Prof Eman that because these people employ staff as he pointed out, it doesn't matter because they contribute nothing to our standard of living in terms of material possessions and general well being.
Not too sure about 50% of our GDP coming from finance, sounds like another con trick to me. If we are persuading people overseas into paying us interest, or insurance premiums, or commission on share trading, or pension funds, or commodity trading in far away places at a profit then it's their loss and our gain, but it's not real wealth, we are just moving some of their money into our pockets with a legal conjuring trick.
Goods and services is a very wide definition. And who is measuring GDP, the office of statistics?
If it raises our standard of living / brings us more happiness/ better standard of health care, then it is positive and can be counted towards our GDP. If it brings money in from overseas, even though it's borderline criminal, it can be counted towards our GDP. Robbing our own people, moving money from my account to some crooked bank manager cannot be counted towards the GDP no matter how subtly it is done. Flooding our homes with thousands of electronic gadgets that we throw away in less than 12 months, employing hundreds of people on landfil sites to bury all this junk to pollute the ground and water supplies with cadmium, lithium, lead, mercury, wierd paint and refrigerant chemicals, & non-rotting plastics cannot be counted towards our GDP.