Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'
Dear all
Just want to summarise our discussion to-date.
It started with Making stuff v Banking and Financial Services, expanded to Services Sector, expanded further.
WE tried to identify some root causes/issues, and I was staggered to find so many-
Here are some of them-
Education, Poor Management, Cultural attitudes, Wild swings in interest rates & taxes (make corporate planning difficult), Parliament and regulators permanently asleep, low priority of science and engineering,Wild swings in Govt policy (wrecking our entire infrastructure e.g connecting our water works), Excessive public sector, Lack of awareness of cost/benefit ratios, excessive requirements for due diligence, Lack of competency, skill, expertise, the system itself, Problems with technical skills, level of maths and computer science, Short termism (short term gains v long term benefits), Lack of proper reward for engineers, inventors, manufacturers, researchers, inadequate skills based training, difficulty of sacking incompetent staff, the pension problem, funding issues, Reorganisations mania and political footballs e.g. Education, The ever increasing pay gap between the average reward and top salaries, accumulated mountain of debt, industry/manufacture/engineering-under-represented (inadequate Parliamentary lobby), Services getting too much of the national pie, better teachers required, need to motivate apprentices, Lack of confidence/trust, Lack of automation/robotics, MP's with wrong backgrounds/experience making decisions, Lack of Engineering efficiency, Need to break the welfare generation, Teaching of moral philosophy required, Poor early childhood development, Poor adult learning, Lack of skills/training in science and technology, Lack of shareholder clout, Excessive influence of the gutter press, Grossly overpaid individuals, Not adapting to change, We should make better and more advanced stuff than our competitors, Lack of status of the engineer (poorly paid), Chronic underinvestment, Poor working conditions, Inadequate Govt help/assistance, No broad based engineering infrastructure, Need to recognise a social infrastructure in the UK that recognises practical cleverness rather than intellectual brightness, Give Engineers the status they deserve, Even our new wind farms are made overseas, I treat all political parties with the same contempt, The thread is Education, Education, Education -But how to improve it? Engineering degree-hard graft for no reward, Immigration issues, STEM/Triangle Coalition issues, Return to HNC/HND type of education required or/or foundation Degrees, Education succeed in passing exams not to learn,
I think this is a tall list for any Politician. In fact presented with this list, I would think twice before becoming one.
However, any chance you could look at it and identify in order of priority, ten that could be tackled in the short term, i.e within a year or two and ten that should be addressed in the longer term.
Prof Eman