Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'
Dear all
As promised here is my contribution.
1. Start up a NRRRE-National Register of Retired and Redundant Engineers, where businesses can look for advice and information relating to any engineering problems they have. Experienced people like engineertony and ICD and others can use their experience/expertise to assist others. They could be accessed via not their real names, even through websites, if that was their choice.Start up in S/T and maintained in L/T. Redundant Engineers could possibly find work through the Register.
2.Reconstitute old EITB (Engineering Industry Training Board Modules) which can be used to create multi skilled craftsmen, through different types of modules e.g.Mechanical followed by an Electrical Module. Try to overcome the problems associated with purely on the job monitoring and ensure a good standard by a practical test at the end of each module. Reconstitute in the S/T and maintain and develop in the L/T
3.Reconstitute HNC/HND to its full glory, and make this a route to university, via an offer of zero tuition fees at University. The free tuition fees would not cost the Govt a lot, as most engineers on their salaries are unlikely to repay the tuition fees in their lifetimes.
This would provide a practical and theoretical basis for the engineers, comparable in duration to the 5 yr training say as in Germany. Introduce in S/T maintain in L/T.
4. Raise the pay and status of Engineers in engineering jobs, with offers of say an extra £5000 Govt funded, on top of average graduate pay, as a starter to be maintained for a few years. S/T introduce the scheme, L/t maintain.
5.Introduce low cost loans to Engineering and Industry start ups, say for a period of ten years at a fixed interest rate of 5%, to ensure stability. Funding in industry and Engineering is required long term, they need more than a lap top and desk to produce.
S/T introduce and L/T maintain.
6. Provide free banking for Engineering and Industry, to prevent the high cost of business banking on the High Street.
7. Govt to introduce an INDUSTRY BANK. to deal with all the financial issues of the above, perhaps in conjunction with the Green Bank. Introduce in S/T and maintain in L/T
8.Stop the madness of high legal cost and make them proportionate to what is at stake. The last Govt tried to do this, but by the time the legal lobby in Parliament finished with it, it was a laugh. Govts keep on trying to limit their legal costs, but do nothing about business legal and individual legal cost. The VAT and other taxation element is too important to them. Review proportionality in the S/T, and introduce new systems for dealing with legal matters in the L/T, to ensure proportionality
9.Stop the madness of Administration/Liquidation etc, where the banks as preferred creditors milk the Company until the is nothing left for unsecured creditors. Limit the bank take in S/T and L/T.
10. Stop the high costs of Accountants/Legal professionals in Administration/Liquidation etc. Review in S/T and modify methods in L/T.
11. Stop the madness of takeover fees. Services -win, Stakeholders-lose. Review in S/T and introduce limiting methods in L/T
12. Stop the madness of high costs of debt collection, especially post default. Review in S/T and reduce charges in L/T.
13. Limit the six year rule of bad debt record, for smaller type, and paid off infringements.Barmy at present. Review in S/T and reduce the six year rule in L/T.
14. Help everyone in Planning matters by limiting the delegated powers of LPA's to right to permit development, and ensure all possible refusals go to Planning Committee. Streamiine the Planning Committee procedure to allow people plenty of time to reply to the LPA refusal submission document. Review in S/T, introduce new procedures in L/T.
15. Ensure Planning Inspectors are not used for minor matters like house extensions, they are a waste of public money. Local councillors know their areas better and do not need to claim expenses like the visiting Planning Inspectors. Review in S/T and introduce new procedures in L/T.
Prof Eman
Sorry they not in any order of importance, but all could/should be considered.