Dr Jimbo
The difficulty with tax relief is that it only helps profit making companies which start-ups and young companies generally are not. So you are back to either grants or equity. While grants may be an undesirable undermining of capitalist principles, in reality we are faced with a world in which countries compete to buy jobs and technology using grants.
Unfortunately, "significant manufacturing businesses employing thousands" are just the ones most likely to outsource overseas, automate jobs out of existence and generally add to unemployment. Most jobs are created by a small proportion of small businesses - mainly those that have been around for several years and accumulated internal resources.
http://www.experianplc.c...ws/2010/02-12-2010.aspx http://www.ey.dk/Publica...repreneurs_May_2010.pdf This paper is quite technical but reading the introduction and conclusion conveys the gist:
http://www.niesr.ac.uk/pubs/dps/dp139.PDF Whatsisname
We have all been victimised by sociopathic bankers and their agents. I sympathise from the heart. As you say, have as little to do with them as possible. Unfortunately as little as possible is often way too much.