Hi Prof, Jeremy, MoKhan, Dr.Jimbo,
Back from France and this thread goes on. Central heating on in Scotland after sitting out on the Champs Elysee in the sunshine. They still make trains over there, and they still have little shops in high streets, bakers, butchers, cake shops. Lots of Brits working for the French economy, as I once did as an electrical engineer when this country closed manufacturng down in the 70s & 80s.
Kids fascinated by the area of the Somme and the first & second world war graves when the Brits & French "won"and the Germans "lost".
Those who aren't familiar with the last 100 years of history can'y really understand how we got to where we are.
Nice to see the Greek people divorcing themselves from the greedy clowns who got them into the mess, perhaps a moral point here, that just because I work hard or swindle my way to the top, I don't have a moral right to use that position to exploit the disadvantaged.
The wild west farmer who did well, maybe bought his neighbour's land and cattle, set up a money lending ("banking") business, has no right to squeeze the neighbouring farmer who went out of business with low wages and excessive rates of interest. To my mind it is plainly unjust for Fred Goodwin to think he deserves millions of pounds in salary and pension, when an engineer (me) with masses of knowledge, skill and experience is living at 1/100th his level of income.
The Institute of Electrical Engineers, now IET, wants us to go to schools showing how rewarding a career in engineering can be! Rewarding mentally yes, wouldn't change a day, had a fantastic time, but I would disuade anyone from going into engineering unless they have a love of maths, physics and science.
Now to catch up on two weeks of posts........