Prof and Dr Jimbo
The point of using any kind of derivative is to control risk. You can ramp it up and face the risk of catastrophic losses or you can reduce risk to zero. Just make the effort to understand what you are doing.
If I was absolutely convinced that the markets were going to keep going down by a very large percentage, I would buy an out of the money put covered warrant on FTSE or possibly on one of the constituents with a high beta. My potential loss would be limited to the amount I invested in the first place and would occur if the markets failed to go down to the anticipated level and I sat and watched it happen. Meanwhile I would be saved the expense of going liquid and then repurchasing everything when the panic was over, probably missing the best time to buy back my holdings, and I would still receive the dividends on the shares I held. The dividends received would exceed the cost of the covered warrant and also exceed the money saved by not buying the covered warrant plus the paltry interest from a deposit account.
If you don't understand what a covered warrant is, or beta is, then stay out of it and face the risks with no protection.
Since I am not convinced we are at Armageddon and have no view on the short term markets, I sit and wait for it all to blow over.
I don't bet on sports or play casino games, I don't stick a pin in the paper to pick what shares to buy. I do my research.