timothy burton
I concede. You are right about the legal position.
I am genuinely surprised that an obviously well informed person such as yourself was not aware of the way banks and brokers have worked for generations. I really thought it was general knowledge to the man on the Clapham omnibus. I do not usually credit the Great British public with over much knowledge or common sense.
My financial expertise has been acquired through taking an interest when such topics come up and some reading of the FT and Investors Chronicle plus a very long ago A-level in Economics. My main formal education is in Computing. In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king. I hope I have better luck than the unfortunate traveller in HG Wells' short story.
You do not have to be an obsessive on finance or economics to be aware. Keynes managed the finances of King's College Cambridge in half an hour a day, sitting in bed reading the papers and company reports and occasionally phoning his broker.
http://www.maynardkeynes...eynes-the-investor.html Of course Keynes was far brighter than most of us and I am retired which is why I can spend so much time in these fora. I benefit from having to clarify my thoughts. Actual investment research takes a couple of hours a day but I pick up a lot of ideas from reading the business press and general news online and off.
Where do we go from here to improve financial services?