Busy at the moment but aroused by this one.
The old colonies learnt from the British and are now coming to buy us up, and locals welcome it! This guy traces his roots back to 19th century Hong Kong British traders. What happened to the Hutchison family? Who are these guys who are selling off UK Ltd?
Rather like you can't grow vegetables in your garden, although your grandfather did, so I rent your garden and grow them at a profit.
What does it take to run a water company successfully, there's not even a shortage of water in Northumbria.
I worked on the Ogston reservoir near Chesterfield, dam, water purification, storage and pumping. I recall a figure of 60 million litres per day of purified water. We were commisioning the control system for Balfour Beaty. Really low tech, all automated, just read the amount of litres per day, and send out the bills.
I would guess the same accountants & bankers who got into water at privatisation for a fast buck, milked it for everything , didn't know how to find and fix leaks until they found half the water was escaping, these are the guys who are selling off UK Ltd.
I know Malaysia, Singapore & parts of Indonesia quite well from my oil & gas days, and these tycoons are not super human, I used to like working with Chinese businessmen, very hard negotiators and hard working, very determined to succeed, and largely very honest. We're losing it and if we don't get it back soon we won't be choosing between services or making things.