Prof, Doc and others
This recent stock market volatility has little to do with manufacturing vs services. We are caught in a lack of confidence environment created by political stalemate in both the EU and US and a reluctance to actually confront the problems of unsustainable budget deficits. Europe can only really be solved by either the end of the Euro (allowing Club Med to default, devalue and clean the slate) or full integration with transfer payments from Germany to the deficit economies and control of fiscal policy going the other way. NB Germany can bail out Portugal, Ireland and Greece from there own current account surplus and reserves if they so desired. The US just need to stop spending more than they earn, through gradual (rather than sudden) fiscal rectitude.
To stay with the initial thread, the UK continues to perform reasonably well considering although SME confidence is slipping suggesting that investment by firms is likely to slow On the flip side though here are some quite nice headlines, the UK is the 6th largest in the world by GDP, the UK is third largest in terms of both inward and outward direct investment, London is the worlds largest financial centre (2nd to NY on some metrics), our aerospace industry is 2nd or 3rd largest, our pharmaceutical industry is 3rd in the legal table of R&D, we are 4th on the league table in terms of ease of doing business, in 2008 we were the 6th largest manufacturing nation in the world.
If we are 6th in manufacturing, I think its a bit soon to be lamenting the end of the industry, the 2.6 million people employed in this sector might point to the approx £140bn of gross value added to the economy as quite a contribution.
Final point, UK banking and financial services is also one of the largest contributors to UK balance of payments as a significant amount of the activity is considered exports (banking services to overseas companies etc)
Feel free to check Wiki and ONS sources if you think I've made any of this up
Controversial I know but here’s a thought - we need to stop being so down on ourselves and start to realise/appreciate/celebrate what we have got which is actually pretty good. By the way UK Gilt yields have fallen considerably, suggesting that global investors consider the UK a safe haven.