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Money v Making Stuff-Should Britain bid farewell to the golden egg of banking.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 23 August 2011 22:40:26(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

Dear all
Just came across another interesting article in BBC News business-23/08/2011-Eurozone manufacturing sector (the engine of recovery) contracts in August.
More bad news.
Time to make a real effort to help industry/manufacturing?

Prof Eman
Anonymous Post
Posted: 24 August 2011 14:31:31(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

There is no reason to end this thread, until positive action is done to encourage industry/manufacturing.
There are signs, that attitudes are changing.
The Jim McCall article in the FT-Call for Tax breaks for industry- as URL'd by Jeremy Bosk includes this statement.
Mr Cameron and other ministers have spoken out during the past year about the need to rebalance the economy to provide a bigger role for manufacturing, with less emphasis on services.
Are we moving away from SOS-Services Our Saviour?
I hope we are.
Lets keep banging away, until we get deeds not just words.

Prof Eman
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 24 August 2011 15:30:26(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

I would love to know where the rest of our maunderings have gone. It isn't just this thread that is missing great chunks.

Interesting article on the virtual factory here:

Anonymous Post
Posted: 24 August 2011 22:07:25(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

Thank you for the above.
Dear all
The Independent on line-24/08/2011-Broke Britons put economic recovery at risk.
1922 committee of Tory MP's, subject to developing conditions is considering that "the time may be coming soon when targeted tax cuts which grow business and jobs may be required."
I hope that Mr McColls tax ideas and selective VAT reductions on FSB lines can be made to apply to industry/manufacture.
What do you think?

Prof Eman
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 25 August 2011 05:45:13(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

Prof and all

Actually, this thread is so long and has so many (often interesting) excursions off topic that it is very hard to keep track. You have tried on occasion to summarise the various strands of opinion. Thank you for that.

But the thread is too unwieldy. We should create sub threads for particular topics to aid our own comprehension and recall as well as make it easier for new readers to join in. I am not going to volunteer, at least not now, as I have been up all night with sciatica that spasms every time I try to lie down. Which means I am too sleepy to concentrate.

When the FT thuds on the doormat shortly, I am off to bed and hopefully not to dream of dole queues :-(
Anonymous Post
Posted: 25 August 2011 18:23:21(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

To all the participants.
Would you like another summary and keep going with this thread, or start a sub thread such as -Services v
Manufacturing-Are services trying to drive us into Double dip recession?
Services like, utilities, Car insurance, which keep raising prices, improving their profits, but driving households into desperation and reduced spending, giving sickly economic growth if any.

Prof Eman
Posted: 25 August 2011 21:05:22(UTC)

Joined: 08/09/2010(UTC)
Posts: 28

As a matter of fact , car insurance is not a utility - if nothing else it is a legal requirement. Also as I understand it is not very profitable and margins are tight. To the extent that they raise prices ( mine hardly went up at all this renewal ) this is to reflect increased risk and cost. Many customers are refused because their business would be loss making. Car insurance is the original cost plus business.
Any thread that promotes manufacturing has my support. Any thread that has the term " Are services trying to drive us into a double dip recession ? is quite ridiculous . Apart from anything else it suggests some wilfull intent . Insults everyone in services.

Prof Eman - you weren't serious were you ?

PS a double dip recession is not a human, social or medical condition. - recession is a technical piece of data that merely confirms that growth is sub zero. The moment it occurs - nobody knows or experiences any sensation - its like crossing a time zone. Now queuing at a job centre or being without hope is a human, social and medical condition.
A double dip is a term latched onto by journalists who love such alliteration and sound bites.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 25 August 2011 23:45:21(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

The definition of a utility is something useful, a useful thing.
In Economics - the capacity of a commodity or service to satisfy some human want.
Services-An act of helpful activity or provision of utilities or commodities e.g water, gas, electrics, and other services like the bus service.
Are you therefore suggesting that car insurance is not a useful thing, has no utility?
With reference to cost I suggest you read Citywires -
Interactive:how car insurance has gone up for people like you AND
Has your car insurance renewal 'crashed' through the letter box box yet?
You must live in a different world for car insurance to most of us.
On my suggested thread, I note your comments and suggest the following-
Services v Making Stuff, which should we be promoting?
Can continuing cost shocks of some services lead us into a double dip recession? Stemming for example from increases in gas, electrics, car insurance, thereby reducing total demand for goods and services.
In simple terms, double dip recession is a recession followed by a short lived recovery, followed by another recession (often coused by a slow down in demand for goods and services because of lay offs and spending cut backs from previous downturn.
Usually a lot harder to get out of, which seems to be just round the corner.
I assure you it is more than an aliteration or soundbite.
Most individuals/businesses will experience it one way or another if it comes.

Prof Eman
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 26 August 2011 03:36:57(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

Prof and Moylando

I just wasted half an hour explaining in words of one syllable how you are both partially right and both partially wrong. Then I decided that you both know this already and are simply playing mind games. So I deleted it.

You are both being annoying for the sake of it.

So go and play with yourselves.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 26 August 2011 10:33:33(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

Jeremy Bosk
I did not want to get involved in playing with words, but tried to clarify some of the issues raised by Moylando.
However the real main issue is a deteriorating UK economic performance in a deteriorating economic world.
Within that is the issue how best to come out of the present problems and avoid a double dip recession.
Hence the discussion about services and manufacturing based economies, and which way should we be heading now, services or manufacturing/industry way?
You yourself have suggested sub threads.
So are you in favour of a sub thread, or a summary and we continue with the discussion as is?
I have suggested a sub thread if that is the choice. Is it agreeable with you or do you want to make a modification or another suggestion.
I think that with double dip recession, ever nearer, this discussion is of major importance.
Hope yoour sciatica is easing.

Prof Eman
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