Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'
Jeremy Bosk and all.
Jeremy, thank you for your contribution at #407.
Nice to know that the FT agrees with my views on not delayintg the bank ring fencing.
Having looked through this morning's citywire summary of the papers, i note the following-
Sunday Telegraph-
Amid dire warnings that further regulation could stifle growth, the PM is tasked with finding a ring fenced model which will give banks more security and allow them to function as successful businesses.
Ring fencing banks is not the answer - the much awaited final version of the ICB report will be released on 12/09.
David Cameron wants to see a significant watering down of any proposals from the ICB to ring fencing the Uk's retail banks.
Not quite sure why ring fencing should be so disruptive.
After all banks are in business to lend not gamble. This is their bread and butter.
Also, ring fencing should help us keep the covetted AAA status.
Furthermore, it will create jobs, perhaps help absorb some redundant bank, civil service, local government staff.
The timing, not to be disruptive, could be for completion by 2015, with a specific time-table on timing limits of stages to achieve it.
I think the outcry by the bankers is more to do with ring fencing their bonuses etc, rather than the retail banks
What do you think?.
Prof Eman
Just an afterthough, another broken promise by the Lib Dems? At this rate they can wave good bye to being a force after 2015.