Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'
DEar all/Still on Life Support
On future concerns
-BBC Business News - 14/09/2011, 14912236, UK unemployment total rises sharply to 2.51 milloin
-BBC News Scotland - 14/09/201, 14711021, Sales slump as shoppers cut back.
-BBC News Politics - 14/09/2011, 14907914, Cleggg warns that economic situation is deteriorating
On housing
BBC News UK-14/09/2011, 14909066, Architercs say new homes are 'shameful shoebox homes'
On education
BBC News Education & Family-13/09/2011,. 14886862, UK students bear higher university costs
Possible outcome, the American Way?
BBC News Business, 14/09/2011, 14903732, Number of Americans in poverty hits record high.
The real concern is that we are heading in the direction of the American way.
Jeremy Bosk
- I realise the limitations of stuff, it is not everything, but quite a lot when it comes to unemplyment.
BBC News UK 13/09/2011, 14899148, Our children need time not stuff by Mark Easton.You might be right about Scandinavia.
Finally, yesterday, I read about a leaked report to Government, about the fact that the womens' support for this Government's policies is at an all time low. Cannot find it to-day, was either in BBC News, or The Independent, or The Guardian.
Reading between the lines I got the impression that the women who are at the fore front of cuts, trying to make ends meet, are fed up with the bankers created problems, when they have a Government supportive of bankers bonuses. Seems a them and us situation.
Prof Eman