Jobs for the Future This is a long report although not beyond the capacity of most here to understand if they will take the time. I urge you to take that time.
It thoroughly analyses almost everything we have discussed here and in other forums. It adds statistics and reasoned arguments.
No thinking, caring person can reads this, read the references and follow up the links and fail to conclude that most current government policy is at best ill advised and at worst malign.
That includes policies on employment; job creation; helping the unemployed, sick and disabled back to work; improving the balance between regions, between services versus manufacturing and anything else.
Unfortunately few Tories will read it: because they prefer ignorant prejudice to knowledge.
CHALLENGE to halfwits, ignoramuses, psychopaths, sociopaths, criminal lunatics and any Tory not already categorised:
I beg you to prove me wrong. I want you to prove me wrong. This country needs you to prove me wrong. Read this report and give fact based and logical reasons why it is wrong. You cannot.
Cameron and Clegg are in danger of making Mugabe and Ahmadinejad look honest, decent, caring and competent.