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Money v Making Stuff-Should Britain bid farewell to the golden egg of banking.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 17 September 2011 22:07:05(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

Read the articles, and you will find out that the police have indeed tried it before, and failed.
As for your views-Are you being investigated or have been?
The police had a lot of evidence, and could have got more but did not bother.I think that that is more of a concern than trying to stem the tide of evidence by using the OSA.

Prof Eman
Posted: 17 September 2011 23:26:32(UTC)

Joined: 08/09/2010(UTC)
Posts: 28

I suppose what I mean is that if it comes to discovering the truth - choosing between the police's version and journalists - you are faced with a dilemma. Neither can be bothered to make the effort to go the extra mile to get the evidence nor weigh the evidence and cannot deal with ambiguity.
My own antipathy towards news reporting and the blame culture of the media leads me to what some would see as an illogical support of the police - especially as the police are held accountable when they get things wrong - journalists aren't
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 18 September 2011 00:35:17(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316


I meant just what I said.

There are honest and competent cops. They fail to progress their careers if they ask too many awkward questions of those who misgovern us and their owners. That is why the cops did not pursue Murdoch. He has (or had) too much influence with the politicians who decide the top jobs.

There are honest and competent journalists. If they are published at all it is pseudonymously in Private Eye, on websites with good security and servers beyond the reach of the Fourth Reich or in very expensive newspapers and newsletters which are not read by the plebs and proles. The elite need to know the truth even as they lie to the rest of us. Have you ever read Orwell's 1984? It is instructive. Winston Smith's job was preparing a summary of the truth for Big Brother. The barely literate or numerate plebs and proles struggle with complex ideas and cannot in any case afford the subscription to the New York Times, Washington Post, or Financial Times.

The truth can also be deduced by comparing the lies output by different media in different countries. Foreign language skills help.

Reading history books is also useful.

May I commend to your attention "Inside the Company CIA Diary" by Philip Agee and "Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe", edited by Philip Agee and Louis Wolf. The most significant sections cover the founding of the CIA and its initial staffing. The US Office for Strategic Services was their wartime equivalent of our Special Operations Executive. It was set up to promote anti-Nazi resistance in Europe by spying and sabotage. By 1945 it found itself in Berlin with a lot of spare cash. To prolong its own existence and to please the likes of Senator Joe McCarthy (look up House Un-American Activities Committee), they switched their attention to anti-communist sabotage and spying. In the dying days of World War II, after Hitler's suicide, control of the remaining Nazi's fell to Admiral Canaris, Canaris ran the Abwehr - the international spy network of the Nazis. He was given immunity from prosecution in return for the full list of Nazi spies in Central and Eastern Europe. Those spies were transferred to the CIA. From day one majority of the CIA staff were Nazis. Why has the USA spent the decades since 1945 giving guns money and political support to every fascist dictator, every fascist gangster on the planet? That is why.

You plainly can read and think. Please do some more of both.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 18 September 2011 01:50:39(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

Jeremy Bosk at #523 and #528
Not sure how funny some of the things you wrote about really are.
I certainly would not have wanted to meet a certain right wing extremist and mason on July 22nd on certain island in Norway.

Prof Eman
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 18 September 2011 02:18:10(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

Prof Eman

The science fiction writers have satirised human stupidity from Aristophanes (The Birds - origin of the phrase Cloud Cuckoo Land) through Jonathan Swift (Gulliver's Travels) to the present day. You can either laugh or cry at the state of humanity. The bad guys really hate being laughed at.

If more people had laughed at that Norwegian nutter when he was a kid first developing his theories: either he would have learned sense or he would have exploded earlier and done less damage before the men in white coats hauled him off for treatment.

I laugh at the people who uncritically accept conspiracy theories that suit their own ignorant prejudices.

Laugh at evil and others will join you. Evil loses its power. Show fear and evil will attract followers.
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 18 September 2011 02:33:18(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316


If you share the popular prejudice against science fiction - even from 414 BC (Aristophanes) or Thomas More's Utopia from 1516, you can watch the same effect in Charlie Chaplin's film The Great Dictator",

Charlie Chaplin - The Great Dictator Part 1/8 - YouTube

20 Nov 2010 ... Charlie Chaplin - The Great Dictator Part 1/8. Longoaiphong ...


The Producers (1968 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Producers is a 1968 American satirical dark comedy film written and ...

Laughter is the best medicine.

Anonymous Post
Posted: 18 September 2011 09:55:25(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

Dear all
On democracy
citywire news round up-Saturday
Sir Martin Sorrell, the chief executive of WPP, said on Friday that quality journalism should be subsidised, perhaps even by the State, because otherwise it would disappear.
I certainly would not mind making a small contribution form my taxes to keep the press free and of quality standard. Bettter than some ways the money is already spent.
Jeremy Bosk
You are absolutely right-Laughter is the best medicine.

Prof Eman
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 18 September 2011 11:18:52(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316


The French used to have a system whereby even unpopular small circulation national newspapers were made available through state subsidies throughout France. Variety of opinion is useful do we can do a "compare and contrast".

I would like ready access to some of the regionals and The Scotsman. Reading them online isn't the same because you don't get the serendipity factor.

I was once stopped by a Socialist Worker seller who wanted to check the sports results from the pink newspaper sticking out of my inside pocket. It wasn't the pink paper he thought it was, but we did a swap and I learnt a few things from his paper. I hope I converted him to the FT.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 18 September 2011 13:59:31(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

Dear all
On democracy.
My conclusion seems to be that our democracy is not perfect, for reasons such as-
Under the first past the post system, MP's elected by one third of voters can rule the other two thirds to their disadvantage.
Influence of powerful lobbies as right wing, who are only inetersted in their own gain. e.g. For the rich to get richer.
Attacks on freedom of the press., as through the OSA
Repeated attacks and erosion of our freedoms through both Conservative and Labour governents which eventually could lead to what is effectively a police state. - Big brother watching you through more and more cameras for example.
An apathy generated by the electoral system - for example, if you believe in more freedoms/civil rights you have had nobody to vote for.
A feeling that in 'guns versus butter', successive govrnments, irrespectiver of their colour, have opted for guns to the detriment of butter, and creation of an expensive terrorist environment. Although not as bad as in the USA with their poverty levels.
Resulting rebirth of movements which wants parts of the UK to leave the UK
What do you think?

Prof Eman
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 18 September 2011 21:34:19(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316


Jobs for the Future

This is a long report although not beyond the capacity of most here to understand if they will take the time. I urge you to take that time.

It thoroughly analyses almost everything we have discussed here and in other forums. It adds statistics and reasoned arguments.

No thinking, caring person can reads this, read the references and follow up the links and fail to conclude that most current government policy is at best ill advised and at worst malign.

That includes policies on employment; job creation; helping the unemployed, sick and disabled back to work; improving the balance between regions, between services versus manufacturing and anything else.

Unfortunately few Tories will read it: because they prefer ignorant prejudice to knowledge.

CHALLENGE to halfwits, ignoramuses, psychopaths, sociopaths, criminal lunatics and any Tory not already categorised:

I beg you to prove me wrong. I want you to prove me wrong. This country needs you to prove me wrong. Read this report and give fact based and logical reasons why it is wrong. You cannot.

Cameron and Clegg are in danger of making Mugabe and Ahmadinejad look honest, decent, caring and competent.
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