Congratulations alex1490 you have spotted the single biggest argument against IFA-recommended insurance bonds - they make others wealthy at your expense. Don't for one moment believe that the figures in the commission disclosure are the end of the charges - inside the bond you will be paying 3+% pa for the privilege of keeping your money there! Those same funds outside the bond will probably cost nearer 1.5%, but if you buy the equivalent investment trusts through any broker, nearer 1% pa.
The argument in favour of insurance bonds is that they are a "tax friendly" environment - but the truth is that they DEFER taxation to a later date. In a few years time you might decide to cash in the bond substantially or entirely - at that point you discover that your capital gain (we hope!) on your bond is going to be taxed as if it were INCOME, according to some utterly inexplicable tax rules.
There is a great alternative, as other respondents have outlined for you. Invest it yourself via online stockbroker with low charges, preferably one who will allow both funds and shares in the same account. I did it that way for a total investment cost of under 1% and annual charges of roughly 1%pa (I have mainly IT's and Unit Trusts).
If you place £10,680 into an ISA this year and the max. allowed annually over 10 years you will have a virtually tax-free fund with extremely low charges. To understand how to set up a balanced (for you) portfolio I recommend reading "The Intelligent Asset Allocator" by William Bernstein and then make your selections from Citywire's recommendations - they are usually pretty good. And no, I have no connection with either party!