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Harry Trout's Portfolio
Fife Clive
Posted: 31 December 2021 17:48:58(UTC)

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Hi Harry I do like seeing this kind of thing, thanks for running with it, I assume you get some pleasure from keeping a track of your evolving thought process too

Can I ask, what determines your choice of wrapper, I see some items you buy simultaneously in SIPP and ISA, for example - why? Does this not double up trading fees for the same overall Harry T exposure? Personally I try to keep my raciest stuff in ISA, and use the SIPP for everything else, and all overspill falls into GIA where I try to keep the most pedestrian stuff to avoid taxed capitals gains or divis as much as possible. So curious as to your approach.

Also curious to rationale for selling BG American after the weak year, and buying the Nasdaq index with the proceeds - have you given up on BG?

Cheers and happy new year
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Harry Trout on 07/01/2022(UTC)
Harry Trout
Posted: 03 January 2022 08:48:41(UTC)

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Good morning all, here is a year end summary of where I have got to with moving towards a more concentrated portfolio, i.e. a portfolio of individual stocks in as higher concentration as I am comfortable with. Here is the top 10 at the year end:

2021 Year End Summary

Quite a lot of movement year on year with 5 new entrants into the top 10 in 2021. These are SMT, Microsoft, Amazon, Blue Whale and Vanguard US Equity Index combined with VUSA.

I have been quite bold (for me) with the 5 that I have removed / reduced. Here are some notes breaking down the 25% lost from last year's top 10

2021 Top 10 Movements

In 2022 I would like to think I can add to my holdings in US Mega Caps. Below the top 10 I also have Visa, Nvidia, Alphabet, Tesla, Paypal and Facebook and these might creep into the top 10 in 2022 depending how the year goes.

I feel more comfortable with passives in my portfolio and can see more "delegating" of the heavy lifting with passives while I focus on improving my process with individual stocks.

I also think that Investment Trusts and ETFs will continue to be more favoured compared with OEICs.

Happy New Year all

3 users thanked Harry Trout for this post.
Mr Scruff on 03/01/2022(UTC), Tim D on 03/01/2022(UTC), Andrew59 on 03/01/2022(UTC)
Harry Trout
Posted: 07 January 2022 11:13:12(UTC)

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Fife Clive;201246 wrote:
Hi Harry I do like seeing this kind of thing, thanks for running with it, I assume you get some pleasure from keeping a track of your evolving thought process too.

Thanks Clive, yes I enjoy keeping the monthly summaries which I initially started for this thread but now find them a helpful memory jogger as to where I am each month. The summaries are in Excel and each month is a new tab copied over so it’s not a big job at all but does give me a very nice overview.

By posting a monthly summary it also means there aren’t lots of posts cluttering the Transactions thread!

Fife Clive;201246 wrote:
Can I ask, what determines your choice of wrapper, I see some items you buy simultaneously in SIPP and ISA, for example - why?

There are a few points to make here about how I go about things and please note that I am experimenting a bit at the moment to find out what suits my personality the best.

My overall approach is long term buy and hold but I also like to try to do a bit of swing trading around positions. I want to try to see if swing trading adds anything over a pure long term buy and hold approach so I tend to use the SIPP for long term and the ISA for swing trades. So I will buy in both accounts but always hold for the long term in the SIPP. Examples of this in 2021 are Diageo, Apple and Microsoft where I have traded a bit in the ISA but the holdings in the SIPP are only added to, not reduced - unless the investment thesis fundamentally changes.

Although it appears like I am buying simultaneously it is rarely the case with shares, Investment Trusts and ETFs that I would ever buy on the same day. OEICs yes but there are no transaction costs for OEICs on Hargreaves Lansdown, only platform.

Fife Clive;201246 wrote:
Does this not double up trading fees for the same overall Harry T exposure? Personally I try to keep my raciest stuff in ISA, and use the SIPP for everything else, and all overspill falls into GIA where I try to keep the most pedestrian stuff to avoid taxed capitals gains or divis as much as possible. So curious as to your approach.

My posts on this thread relate solely to my Hargreaves Lansdown account. In terms of fees, I am trading enough per month to be at the £8.95 one-off commission and sometimes £5.95 so I don’t fret about it unduly but do think about it. I feel that the heavy lifting on fee reduction is being done by reducing my OEICs.

I also have a Vanguard account which is receiving my annual ISA allowance in 21-22 and going forward, so my Vanguard account is growing. This helps a bit with fees and the small perception I have of platform risk.

In terms of themes I do try to keep dividend paying US stocks in the SIPP as this is the most tax efficient. This approach ties up with swing trading in the ISA where I will tend to hold for weeks or months but not years. Like you, I also keep income generating stocks out of my GIA as far as possible.

Fife Clive;201246 wrote:
Also curious to rationale for selling BG American after the weak year, and buying the Nasdaq index with the proceeds - have you given up on BG?

Hopefully my post previous to this one answers this. I sold 70% BG American in March 2021 and then the balance in December 2021. However, I am also nudging up my BG US Growth Trust (ticker USA) as I prefer to be in Investment Trusts. So no, not given up on BG but remain watchful - I have a decent slug of SMT and a smaller amount of PHI as well as USA.

I will generally give things 3 years but did jettison Nio, Square, Twitter and Futu early – may get back in to Square and Twitter if my rules are met.

Thanks for the questions and Happy New Year to you too



Context: Born in the 1960s, married with 2 kids of school age. Sold my business, financially independent and am now probably retired. Investing from 2006 as a hobby and with greater focus since the beginning of 2021.
3 users thanked Harry Trout for this post.
Tim D on 07/01/2022(UTC), Fife Clive on 07/01/2022(UTC), Raj K on 31/01/2022(UTC)
Harry Trout
Posted: 31 January 2022 18:45:56(UTC)

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Good evening all, here is what I've been up to in January 2022

Jan 2022

I took the opportunity presented by market falls to move away from OEICs more decisively which has taken cash from 26.0% at the year end to 43.6% as at 31 Jan 22.

Fundsmith has lost the top spot to Apple and is now my 6th largest holding.

With 5 individual stocks in the top 10 now it does feel like I am getting nearer to the goal of a concentrated portfolio of individual stocks.


3 users thanked Harry Trout for this post.
Bardolph on 31/01/2022(UTC), mdss68 on 01/02/2022(UTC), Gary J on 01/02/2022(UTC)
Raj K
Posted: 31 January 2022 18:51:17(UTC)

Joined: 22/04/2016(UTC)
Posts: 2,818

Some of the spreadsheet you have attached isn’t visible on the screen. Half of the sale side gets chopped of to the right, Is that just me or am I doing something wrong, can’t double click it to open it up separately?
Harry Trout
Posted: 01 February 2022 08:25:01(UTC)

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Raj K;206681 wrote:
Some of the spreadsheet you have attached isn’t visible on the screen. Half of the sale side gets chopped of to the right, Is that just me or am I doing something wrong, can’t double click it to open it up separately?

I have posted a smaller size, hope you can read it now?
Posted: 01 February 2022 08:51:17(UTC)

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Harry Trout;206748 wrote:
Raj K;206681 wrote:
Some of the spreadsheet you have attached isn’t visible on the screen. Half of the sale side gets chopped of to the right, Is that just me or am I doing something wrong, can’t double click it to open it up separately?

I have posted a smaller size, hope you can read it now?

On my screen, perfect Harry.

Pain this forum's formatting or whatever you call it, whenever I post a chart I'm trying to get enough "width" in that it doesn't give an exaggerated idea of the vertical axis, but without over spill.

Always enjoy these updates :)
1 user thanked mdss68 for this post.
Harry Trout on 01/02/2022(UTC)
Harry Trout
Posted: 01 March 2022 17:54:01(UTC)

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Good evening all, here are my transactions for February

02 Citywire Summary 2022

Cash is still my largest position at 44.3% compared with 43.6% at the end of January 2022.

In reducing my Fundsmith position to 2.3% I diverted some proceeds to the Vanguard S&P 500 trackers which now represent my largest position at 5.2%. Apple and Microsoft are 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Nvidia and Alphabet are close to being top 10 holdings now; I would like to end the year with 6 or 7 individual stocks in my top 10 to get me nearer to my ultimate goal of a more concentrated portfolio of individual stocks.

I think Berkshire Hathaway, Diageo and gold were my only gainers this month.

Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure I'm not alone here in feeling a growing sense of foreboding for the people of Ukraine who are in our thoughts.

6 users thanked Harry Trout for this post.
countrymum on 01/03/2022(UTC), Monty Claret on 01/03/2022(UTC), Ardeebee on 01/03/2022(UTC), Mr GL on 01/03/2022(UTC), mdss68 on 01/03/2022(UTC), kim shillinglaw on 01/03/2022(UTC)
Posted: 01 March 2022 18:58:23(UTC)

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what does your overall portfolio look like?
1 user thanked Mr GL for this post.
Harry Trout on 02/03/2022(UTC)
Harry Trout
Posted: 02 March 2022 11:07:58(UTC)

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Mr GL;211374 wrote:
what does your overall portfolio look like?

Here is my top 20 which adds up to 89.9% including cash:

020322 Top 20 Citywire

The positions marked in yellow are remaining balances in my GIA that I currently don't like but can’t sell until 6 April.

Below the top 20 shown are smaller balances in individual stocks in the following:

UK Stocks: Diageo, Fevertree, Games Workshop, London Stock Exchange

US Stocks: Airbnb, Chewy, Palantir, Paypal and Tesla

I run 5 tests over stocks before I invest or top up. At the moment only Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Nvidia and Tesla meet all the criteria. Diageo is close but there is an issue with earnings growth for me. Amazon is also close.
3 users thanked Harry Trout for this post.
Raj K on 02/03/2022(UTC), Mr GL on 02/03/2022(UTC), James Wood on 03/11/2023(UTC)
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