Bulldog Drummond;153107 wrote:10 years return in the 50% to 70% return range strikes me as absolutely pathetic and I wouldn't touch any of them. I know that I am in a minority (maybe of 1 here) here but I think that the only people making money out of these are the managers.
Depends what you're comparing them with really.
Over the last 5 years (according to trustnet), annualised total return...
CGT has done 7.9%pa
Ruffer 7.8%pa
PNL 6.5%pa
Compared to SMT's 44.7%pa that is indeed small beer.
But for those of us looking to "bank" some of the profits we've made on the growthy, equity parts of our PFs into something more hopefully stable, they're still considerably more attractive than traditional "safe havens", if you believe the managers can deliver on the wealth preservation aspect when it comes to the crunch. Over the same period:
IA Sterling Strategic Bond has done 4.9%pa
IA Global Bonds 4.0%pa
IA UK Gilts 3.7%pa
IA Money Market (ie "cash") 0.3%pa
I seem to remember another recent thread on cash substitutes/alternatives... and there, some folks were freaking out not that PNL/CGT/RICA were low-return plodders but that they were far *too* risky/volatile despite them delivering an order of magnitude better returns than cash.
But ultimately everyone has to choose for themselves where on the risk/reward spectrum they want to place what proportion of their assets. And everyone's different.