Tyrion Lannister;153341 wrote:[Do you know what is?
I've been looking and haven't found anything that's relatively safe apart from short term bonds.
I think that's probably the answer TL as we've discussed before. They're low volatility as shown at the end of Q1 last year (-1.9%). However, with that comes very low return - a below inflation return?
4 positives though. It's not a negative return, they
should hold up better during inflation/risk of interest rate rises, they
should drop less during another 'market moment' and they're cheap.
I hold 30% of my SIPP in Vanguard's Global Short-Term Bond Index Fund - 0.15% on-going / 0.13% transactions costs. It tracks the
Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Ex US MBS 1-5 year index and includes global government, government-related agencies, corporate and securitised bonds and excludes US Mortgage Backed Securities from the universe of fixed income securities. Good blend of credit rating:
AAA (42.0%)
AA (15.3%)
A (20.7%)
BBB (18.1%)
NR (3.9%)There's a cheaper Vanguard UK Short Term Investment Grade Bond Index Fund - 0.12% on-going costs / 0.02% transactions costs. It fell about 3.5% in the same period last year. To
really confuse matters (as I've just discovered - hence the edit) it tracks the
Bloomberg Barclays GBP Non-Government 1-5 Year 200MM Float Adjusted index and includes investment-grade bonds, excluding government bonds, denominated in UK pounds sterling, and applies a filter to exclude the smaller, more illiquid bonds from the universe of fixed income securities. Again a good blend of credit rating:
AAA (29.9%)
AA (14.5%)
A (19.8%)
BBB (34.8%)
NR (1.0%) With such low returns in the offing, the UK fund (non-government bonds) is half the cost of the Global fund (which includes government bonds) and should be a consideration if you're looking at ST bonds.
For me holding the ST fund is a bit like putting your tight head in goal in a 5 a side game. Not going to move much and not much is going to dribble through during an onslaught! But having such a large and immovable object tying up one end it allows warfare at the other.
PS - I've edited the above because the 'UK' fund is only 30% UK bonds. Read the small print Mr B!!!
PPS - The latter fund has the shortened acronym
UKSTIG (that I just made up). What more do you want?