My ‘expensive to run and maintain’ Land Rover was duly sold this week with a good deal achieved. Buyer wanted to buy, I wanted to sell. Mutually beneficial. Tick. Loved it, don't regret it, but I now want more of my money to go into investing (maybe a little saving, and following a discussion on here, maybe a little towards overpaying the mortgage too).
With ‘cash in pocket’ I visited two car dealerships today for a normal 5 to 6 year old car. Spec was simple. £30 car tax, good mpg, all the boring stuff. I’ve always ‘done a deal’ with the cars that I’ve bought in the past, never paying the asking price and haggling well with a clear commitment to buy. I also don’t pick cars that are in fashion or demand and I’m polite, engaging, honest, respectful and all that.
When asked how I wanted to finance the car, the look of horror when I said ‘cash’ was a sight to behold (think Oliver Twist and ‘moooooooooore’) So I was gobsmacked when I was told ’no discount’. Not even £10. Smile, guile and all that was wasted in two dealerships. People queueing up to sign up for finance and cash buyer me registering absolutely no interest for them.
Of course finance is the way car dealerships make additional mark-up with interest ranging from say 3.9% to 9.9% APR for good credit rating on used cars (24 different ways to calculate APR last time I looked) and maybe a bit more for lower credit rating.
I’ve come away a tad perplexed and with my tail firmly between my legs….
Maybe I was naive? Maybe I’m just way behind the times? But I'm carless and clearly clueless!!!!