Graham Barlow
As regards state dependance, the rewards are lower than under Mrs T, and continue to be lowered. As such if your theory was correct we should be reaping the benefits by now, but the opposite seems to be true.
As such the problem seems more to do with, obssesion about austerity and trillions stashed off shore, which make little if any contribution to our economy, based on rewards like bank bonuses.
Please also note that even in the home of capitalism, the USA, they found it necessary to give the unemployed "pay checks".
As regards taxation, it is significant, and the VAT rate of 20% is likely to drive the black economy. However, that seems to be mainly limited to individuals and small businesses, as larger Companies can claim it back, on top of claiming it as an expense. Having said that, a reduction in the VAT rate under Labour did help stimulate the economy.
As regards stimulating the economy we could do with boosting aggeregate demand. As suggested by Keynes it could be by boosting investment. To stay clear of mandarins and banks/financial services, my approach would be to give direct government grants, say 20% of cost, (to negate VAT where applicable) for NEW tooling/machinery/plant/equipment and small business construction such as on building extensions. Businesses tend to know best what is worthwhile and where to invest, and do not need intermediaries.
Can I have peoples' thoughts on this one?