6th August 2013
If there is anybody out there ,who fills as strongly as i do about the unfair water charging system
in place at the moment,
i have set up a petition, on the on the government petition site epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petions/53226
as below.
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water metered charges v rateable house value charges , totally unfair system.
Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Its time somebody decided on a date 1st FEB 2020 (suggested date)
That all BRITISH domestic water customers have to be connected to a water meter, to stop the grossly unfair
system we have in place at the moment,whereby metered customers are stuck on a meter and have to pay for every litre of water they use/no option and the house next door paying for water on a rateable value basis.can and do use a unlimited amount of water
with no restrictions at all.can be 20 times more than the water metered house at no extra charge.how on earth can this be a fair system ? everybody on a meter 1.,would cut the water usage over night by some 25 to 35 %
2. every one pays for what they use. 3.create a fair charging system for all .then it's up to the Government to allow customers to be able to swap between water company's for the best deal
creating competition between water company's
so sign please to change this totally unfair charging system we have in place at the moment.
THE PETITION water metered charges v rateable house value charges , totally unfair system.
Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Its time somebody decided on a date such as 1st FEB 2020
That all BRITISH domestic water customers have to be connected to a water meter, to stop the grossly unfair
system we have in place at the moment,whereby metered customers are stuck on a meter and have to pay for every litre of water they use/no option and the house next door paying for water on a rateable value basis.can and do use a unlimited amount of water
with no restrictions at all 20 times more than the water metered house at no extra charge.how on earth can this be a fair system ? everybody on a meter 1.,would cut the water usage over night by some
25to35% 2. every one pays for what they use. 3.create a fair charging system for all .then it's up to the Government to allow customers to be able to swap between water company's for the best deal
creating competition between water company's
so sign please to change this totally unfair charging system we have in place at the moment.
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