JohnW;22785 wrote:There is of course the other side of the coin. I an on a water meter and it reduced my bill considerably. Why should I have to pay extra to subsidise large families? People have a choice on size of family these days so really should not have families larger than they can afford.
This is a dangerous thing to say: where was my choice when my second pregnancy was a multiple one? You don't ASK for twins or triplets!
So, here I sit, with three kids, various cats & dogs, a garden in a four bed semi with a quite juicy rateable value of £376 pa. The D/W uses 11 litres (yes, I know, aren't I lucky! it cost an arm and a bloody leg, is 12 years old and no, I'm not selling it. If you want to know if you would be better off waterwise by doing the washing up, wash up with a kettle for a few days so you can count - I had to do this for a week and then knew that I used 14 litres a day to do the washing up and the D/W paperwork told me the amount it uses so it's a no-brainer for me! Plus does the washing up on the cheap rate time on the white meter I have fitted - 5p a unit!)
The washer is a large fill one - 8kg's and is full every time I use it, around 14 times a month. (also on the cheap rate at night) The D/W goes on most nights and every 2nd weekend it gets two days off. I have water butts on every downpipe for the garden and don't water much. If it can't survive, it won't. The toilet cistern is too small already for a brick. The kids share a bath by topping up half way through. Showers are on the cheap rate so at least I save money that way.
I don't want a meter and shall fight one if they insist. When the kids leave and I downsize to a one bed terrace, fine.
I'm with Northumbrian Water, and we of course up here have Kielder, the reservoir they all said was too big, and sacked the bloke who built it. There's a 2m bore pipe to Yorkshire Water as they apparently don't have enough for themselves, and Kielder has never been less than 85% full since it was built. The pipe replaces the 1994 (I think) debacle of a fleet of tankers going from Leymoor ressie in Huddersfield to Teesside's 3 day buffer ressie for industry at Long Newton, for three or four months. It's been used several times since inception.
I find leaks, I report them. Everyone should. That water welling up on the footpath isn't a spring, it's an expensive leak that gets more expensive the longer it goes on.
The water companies get fined if they have too many expensive leaks - like the 32" main that went here last year. They're also fined if they have to use too many chemicals in the treatment process, and when that's from a river fed source, it's a nightmare in the Autumn with the farm runoff. The fines can be big.
If you want revenge on your water company, buy shares. If you can't beat em, join em.
BTW, the white meter is a fab idea. You get cheap overnight lekky and pay a bit over the odds for the daytime lekky. I have a 55/45 split with the first being night time use. I have three ovens and cook from scratch every night but use a pressure cooker, smallest oven poss, stacked steamer, slow cooker or BBQ when possible, charge stuff on a timer, I even bake bread overnight.
If you have spare RockWool, pull the bath panel off and put it round the bath. You'll save energy. Leave it to go cold before draining it, it'll warm the bathroom and corridor. This saves energy. It's all £££ in the end.