Snoopy22;154338 wrote:Had 3 calls on my virgin media landline lately, always around 9 am.
They always mention amazon prime, my language is usually colourful and they always hang up.
Whichever service provider you have, if they have call centres based in India, you are going to get scam calls, trying to get access to your bank accounts.
A TV documentary last year revealed a truly shocking state of affairs, where scam call centres lure workers away from the legit centres operated by the likes of BT, Virgin etc., with the promise of much higher wages, providing they bring with them full details of thousands of their company's subscriber details. It was reported in the Delhi area alone there's reckoned to be around a thousand scam centres, all trying to get money out of mainly UK and American subscribers.
The programme revealed the biggest scam centre operator is now a billionaire, who allegedly uses PayPal to launder his ill gotten gains. He was described at the time as one of India's most successful businessmen.
UK company's attempts to reduce their outgoings by re-locating their call centres to third world countries, has come back to bite them. They then have the nerve to try and hive the problem back onto the customer by selling you "call blockers" etc.....they don't work, besides it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to fix this problem, not the customer's. If only enough people complained to their providers Head Offices, then something might just get done.
I have now complained to my MP over the failure of BT to put and end to these scam calls, even though BT are moving their call centres back to the UK and Ireland. The scam calls from India continue.....they have the details of hundreds of thousands of customers.....The scammers get ever more inventive, able to mimic calls originating from India, to appear as UK numbers from towns like Glasgow, Coalville, Nottingham, Chesterfield etc... BT should combine with the Fraud Squad to eliminate this.....yet it seems they don't, it's the old problem....not enough victims making an effort to complain, and when they do, and get "fobbed off"....keep complaining.