The S&P Global 100 index is decided by committee.
From their docs
S&P Global 100
Constituent Selection. Constituent selection is at the discretion of the Index Committee. Companies
included in the underlying index are screened for global exposure, sector representation, liquidity, and
size. Stocks with relatively larger size and higher liquidity are preferred over others. In addition,
companies must meet the following requirements:
• Global Exposure. Companies must have global exposure to be eligible for the index.
Companies are considered global in nature if both the following conditions are met:
o More than 30% of their revenues are generated outside of the domicile region.
o More than 30% of their assets are located outside of the domicile region.
In addition to the above conditions, revenue exposure in all three “primary” regions (North
America, Europe, and Asia/Pacific) must be represented.
• Sector Classification. Sector balance, as measured by a comparison of each GICS sector’s
weight in the index relative to its weight in the S&P Global 1200 is also considered in the
selection of companies.
• Market Capitalization. Companies considered for addition to the index must have a minimum
FMC of US$ 5 billion.