Hilda Ogden;330539 wrote: But I prefer LGGG these days.
I struggle with LGGG, I don't think it is much like Fsmith. It is also heavy on Apple and Tesla both stocks I think are massive bubbles.
I sold my Fmith and put most into wtef jggi, ewsp, jegp and JAM . It was the right move in performance terms
I have started buying JEIP which is 250 US stocks with more of a value slant and less exposure to the MAG 7 especially the ones I am not keen on. JEIP/JEGP yield 6-7% and I reinvest the monthly divis they appear to be low vol ETFs with enhanced income from option writing - the price moves are certainly damped
I have 3 of the MAG 7 in my top 10 even though I don't hold any directly